Friday, October 28, 2011

Good Bye Miss

The next time I blog I will be a MARRIED lady! I am so excited! After 14 months of preparation the big day is finally almost here! IT'S MY WEDDING WEEK!!!!!!!!!! I want to thank all of you fabulous ladies for your support, advice, and inspiration during my engagement! It's been so fun sharing and exchanging plans with all of you.
I can't believe after 26 years of dreaming about my wedding, 22 years of crushing on Jason, almost 4 years of dating and 14 months of being engaged that I finally get to say "I DO" and marry the love of my life. I feel so blessed and overcome with love. It's so much more than a wedding or even getting married, it's celebrating life and love with not only my honey but our families and dearest friends. This whole wedding thing really is quite incredible and I know I will be a big ball of emotions for the next 8 days...and to be honest probably for a few days after. Heck, I'm getting emotional just writing this (please tell me that's normal).

While the planning is DONE and the remaining "to-do's" are minimal...I have a lot to do next week, leading up to the big day and I know that I can't possibly give my beloved blog the love and attention it deserves! You all know I couldn't neglect my blog for two whole weeks (wedding prep + wedding + honeymoon= a long time away) so, I have asked some of my dear friends and fellow bloggers to share their weddings with you while I'm gone. I am so excited for these ladies to guest post and I know you will love them all!

On that note, thank you SO very much BB, Katie, CarolineMrs. BearSara Jayne, Steph,  Kristen, KaraBrynnRuthie and Shay for sharing your special days and guest blogging! I can't wait for everyone to read your awesome posts! 
You guys rock my socks off!

I hope you all have a wonderful couple of weeks, I will miss you all while I'm laying on the beaches of the Riviera Maya with my HUSBAND! OK, fine, I won't miss you while I'm on the beach...but I will miss you and I am excited to get back and share all the details with you all! OK, I'm not excited to come back. 
You all get the point.

Holy cow, I can't believe the time has finally come!
Peace out Cub Scouts!


  1. I got a little teary reading this post -- it made me think of the 10 days leading up to our wedding. Enjoy EVERY moment from now until then and spend time with your guets =)
    Something to keep in mind: on the wedding day, if something isn't right - try not to sweat it because at that point there isn't much you can do =)
    Have a wonderful honeymoon -- you are going to be a beautiful bride!
    PS: I LOVE that picture of you and the man =) so loving and sweet!

  2. Happy Wedding Week! Can't wait to see all the wonderful photos upon your return!

  3. Congrats!! It has been so fun following your journey! :)

  4. Happy Wedding week and congrats!!:)

  5. oh my goodness, i am SO happy for you :)
    everything is going to be perfection, and you are going to be a STUNNING bride. i cannot WAIT to see pictures!
    happy wedding week! i can't wait to be in your shoes, soon!...well not literally in your shoes...although i wouldn't MIND being in those fabulous jimmy choo's ;)

    just soooo excited for you!! have SO MUCH FUN!!!!!

  6. Congrats!!! Wishing you the best wedding week!!!

  7. YAY!! Congrats!! I can't believe it is already here!! Here's wishing you the HAPPIEST ever after lady love!

  8. eeeee!! It's finally here!! Can't wait to hear all about it. Enjoy every minute xo

  9. yah! enjoy your long awaited wedding day! :)

  10. woohoo!! enjoying you time off, I cant wait to hear all about it!! xoxo

  11. I've enjoyed your blogging about the wedding, etc. You write well, with enthusiam and you are straight up. BUT I want your bloggers to know you are a wonderful person outside the internet too. I am soooo proud to become your mother-in-law. Thank you very much for everything you do. AND I'm sure they'll be plenty to blog about after being married!

  12. ahhhhh SOO EXCITING!!! Seriously next week will be the best week ever! Just relax, have fun, enjoy it, soak it allll up. I will be getting you my post by Monday girl!! That ok?? :-) I am actually going to go work on it now!

  13. So exciting!! Can't wait BEEBS!

    Hey... do you have a penny? Or a stamp? K. Thanks.

    Love you Kalk.

  14. happy last weekend before the big day!! thanks for having me guest post, i can't wait to check out the other posters. have a fantastic fantastic wedding and honeymoon!!!!!


  16. I just found your blog!! Congratulations! Good luck with all the final pieces and enjoy your beautiful wedding day :)

  17. CONGRATS!!!!! Which resort in Riveria Maya did yall go to? Thats where we went on our honeymoon and loved it!!! Have FUN!!!!!!!

  18. Congratulations Kristen! I can't wait to see all your beautiful photos! You are going to be an absolutely beautiful bride!!!! We'll be waiting for you when you return!! :)

  19. Aw what a sweet post! Your engagement felt like FOREVER right? I remember that time all too well! When the week finally was here I was in panic mode, and then the day went by so fast.. the honeymoon was over in a flash too... and now I'm blissfully married! Crazy! :) I hope you had a special wedding day with your family and friends, and that you're enjoying being married! It's such a beautiful thing! :)


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