Monday, November 14, 2011

Guess Who's Back

I'm back, I'm exhausted, I'm tan and I'M MARRIED!!! 
I can't wait to fill you all in on EVERYTHING! But right now, I have to get through my first day back at work in a week and a half. 

Wish me luck!

{and don't go anywhere...I've got one more awesome guest post coming up!}


  1. Glad you're back! Can't wait to hear all about it!

  2. yay! congratulations and best wishes! I'm SOOOOO looking forward to your wedding posts, and i've loved all the guests posts while you were gone!

  3. Hi Honey, welcome home! I was reading your guest posts and see you got to quickly get something in. Friday, Ruthie from Austin, TX that is where DIL's Mom is. All your guests have been wonderful. Love you and J and already miss Bailey Mae.

  4. CONGRATULATIONS!! Cant wait to see some gorgeous pictures

  5. married AND tan!! what could be better! lol congrats to you!

  6. Congrats!!! and I'm so glad you're back! :)

  7. YAYYY! Welcome back lover!!! We've SO missed you in our chat room lol!! Hope you had THE time of your life! I cannot WAIT to see all your pics!!

    PS-your friend Ruthie that guest posted...we're in love now. She's adorable and THE sweetest!!

  8. Welcome back and can't wait to hear ALLLLLL about everything!!!!

  9. Yeyyy! It's official! You're a married woman! :) Congratulations!


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