Monday, November 14, 2011

So Shay

Hi y’all! My name is Shalyn and I blog over at So Shay, formerly known as The Nelson Diaries.
I’m so happy to be guest posting for the gorgeous Kristin! I am so incredibly happy for her. Married life is the best. I love love LOVE IT!
I got married to my husband on March 28th, 2009. It was hands down the most amazing day of my life. Sadly, some people don’t see marriage as that big of a deal anymore, but to me, it means everything. I was raised in the south, so I suppose my morals are a little more on the traditional side, however, marriage should be forever. It should be treated as a sacred bond that can never be broken. Marriage is a lot of work, but most of all…it’s a blessing and a blast!
Here are some tips that I’ve learned in my 2.5 years of love and marriage that keep us happy.
1.Remain best friends.
I strongly believe in this. You know that song, “Lean on me, when you’re not strong, and I’ll be your friend, I’ll help you carry on.” It’s extremely important to be able to count on each other, hold each other, and be there for one another. It’s crucial. Be there for each other. Listen. Love. Be a friend when your significant other needs you.
If you can’t laugh, then you can’t love. Don’t take life too seriously. It’s really easy to let the burdens of stress and money get in the way of things. Sometimes, when life deals you a bad hand, instead of yelling at each other and taking it out on one another, LAUGH! Roll with the punches. You’re in it together. Laughter is always the best medicine.
3.Pray together.
I am a firm believer in the power of prayer. Keep God at the center of your relationship. Aspire to want to be a better mate. Thank God that you have each other. Don’t ever take each other for granted. Life is just way too short.
4.The small things.
Remember when you first started dating how hard you tried to look extra nice? Remember when you would try extra hard to impress each other? Remember when you would make him cookies and he’d buy you flowers? Remember when you used to tell your boyfriend, now husband how HOT he is? Remember when you’d write little notes, etc. etc. Don’t stop. Hold hands. Be affectionate. Continue to show you care. Flirt with one another. Those small things will go a long way.
5.Have fun!
A couple who has fun together, stays together. My hubs and I are always doing silly things, such as dancing in the living room, making forts in our living room, playing on a softball league together, planning trips, cooking together, doing activities, etc. etc. Make sure you plan date nights. It’s so easy to get wrapped up in your job and the stress and crazy ways of life. Don’t forget to have fun! Make each other a priority. Kick back, relax, and enjoy each other. <3
We may or may not have done a dance at our wedding… If you really want to see it, go here.
Thanks for having me Kristin! I can’t wait to see how beautiful of a bride you are going to be! I wish you guys a lifetime of happiness! XOXOXO!


  1. I love all of this advice! :) And your dance. So cute!

  2. Great advice girly! I agree with all of it 100%. Laughing is soo important :) I love your dance so much!!

  3. great advice! i love this post and think every piece of advice she gave is so true! thanks for sharing, heading over to check out the dance video!

  4. Thank you so much Kristin for having me! From what I saw on FB, you were absoultely STUNNING! Can't wait to hear all about the honeymoon! MUAH!

  5. nothing to say about this post except TEARS!

    literally...the love her and drew have is just unexplainable and i agree with every single aspect of this! love <3

    and kristin welcome BACKK!!!! you married woman you!


  6. This is such a sweet post and so true! I love it!

  7. What a lovely post! I couldn't agree more and the blog world is lucky that you shared all of this!!! People take marriage for granted and it irritates me. I love how genuine and loving you guys approach your marriage.

    Your wedding pictures are to-die for too!! Gorgeous!!

    Great guest post!! :)

  8. I love this whole post, fantastic advice :-)

  9. Such a sweet post! And cute dance! :)


    and its SO true that marriage really is becoming a lost thing of the past, SO sad but so true. But with people like YOU miss Shay, marriage will be what it's supposed to be and how God intended it to be. You guys are SUCH A SHINING example of not the "perfect" marriage (because we all know there is no such thing) but of the marriage people should strive to emulate. I know I say it all the time but your kids are going to be SO LUCKY!!!!!!!!

  11. ok and ONE MORE TIME, this is Raven not Taylor, I am still signed in under her. Geesh.

  12. Gah I just love them!! Most adorable couple ever!! I truly look up to Shalyn & DDHP! Muah!!

  13. I love, love, love Shay...what a FABULOUS guest post!

    Liesl :)


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