Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Honeymoon {Day 2}

Our first full day in Mexico was one for the books. In fact, the rest of the trip we {and our new friends} kept referring to it as, "oh, Tuesday."

The day started out lovely. I woke up early {too excited to sleep} and immediately went out on our porch. I shrieked when I saw the ocean! We couldn't see it the night before because it was already dark when we checked in. 

Once the hubs rolled out of bed we walked up to the main pool to the restaurant there called La Isla, which had international cuisine. 

I started with a plate of fruit {and of course a mimosa} and J started with waffles. 
Then we each got eggs--I had an egg white omelet with spinach and onion {probably the healthiest thing I ate all week} and J got scrambled eggs with mushrooms, onions and bacon which was his favorite thing he ate all trip.

After breakfast we walked back towards our casita area along the beach, it was an absolutely gorgeous day.

We made a pit stop for a drink and then set up camp on the beach. 

{I was totally trying to copy Katie's adorable beach pic, it's not quite as cute....but we did OK}
After a couple of hours on the beach we were once again hungry {apparently at all-inclusives if you don't eat every two hours you start to get the shakes} We walked down the beach a little to the last group of casitas and grabbed lunch at Bar 31. I had a Cuban Chicken sandwich and J got a Turkey and Veggie wrap and we both had a Garden Green Greek salad, and of course an ice cold Tecate. 

After lunch we waddled back to our pool and spent the rest of the afternoon there, laying out and swimming up to the bar. 

When we got back to the casita we found a lovely surprise:

We both showered and got ready then went to Kampai which had Pacific Rim cuisine {this was the restaurant I was most excited about -- I could eat Chinese food every day.}

We set the tone with a bottle of Sake.
Then got Beef & Chicken Satays, Crusted California Rolls and the best Vegetable Spring Rolls I've ever had.
And for the main course we each got some kind of Beef and Chicken and Vegetable and Rice and Noodle thing with amazing sauce. I would have been as happy as a clam to eat this every single night. 

J, however, was not a fan of using chopsticks. 
This was by far my favorite meal and my favorite restaurant. I'm actually bummed we only ate there once. 

After dinner we made our way to Guacamayas, which was pretty much the center of the resort. It is basically a giant bar right on the beach. It has swings surrounding it and every night they have live music, some kind of show and then a DJ. 
J's favorite detail was the drink wheel on the bar. 
We grabbed a spot right next to the stage and waited for our pals to show up {we had seen them throughout the day and made plans to meet up.}
We learned right away that things get out of control VERY quickly at Guacamayas. 

This is dancing partner for the rest of the weekend. He spun me around like I was a ragdoll, which I totally loved. And yes, he's about 8 inches shorter than me.
After a few drinks, some laughs with our friends and the live band it was time for the show. As soon as they announced that it was a competition for the "Ideal Couple" I shot up and volunteered J and I. 
Needless to say, he was less than thrilled. 
There were 5 rounds to the competition. 
The first round they took the girls offstage and asked the boys three questions, brought us back and obviously we had to match up the answers. We got 2/3 and frankly I don't want to talk about it. I messed up big time and I will never live it down for as long as J and I are married {which hopefully is for as long as I live}. 
{waiting for the girls to come back}
The next round was a dance competition. I nearly died when the host asked "Ladies, when is the last time your man gave you a sexy dance?" I thought for sure J would dash off stage, but like the competitive champ that he is....he danced away. Not well. But he sure did try and it was about the funniest thing I've ever seen.

The third round was about balloon popping. I had to grab a balloon from the other side of the stage and then run and pop one chest to chest, then another one crotch to butt and finally crotch to crotch. We popped the first two balloons instantly and then that damn third balloon WOULD. NOT. POP. Poor J. I was literally jumping and landing on him with all of my weight. It also didn't help that I dropped the balloon. 
The next round we had to run around in the crowd and gather as many articles of clothing as we could....we would have dominated this round but one of the couples was there for their wedding and their whole damn family was there. Their grandpa stripped down to nothing but his tighty whities, you can't compete with that. Then, the final round was a conga line. We had to run around and get as many people in our conga line as we could...again we got beat out by the damn people with the family. 
All in all we got second place and came home with some t-shirts. Not as good as a free massage and a bottle of tequila but the memories will last forever. 

Once the show was over it was time to get down to business with our friends. 
"Uno, Duos, Tres.....TEQUILA!"

{of course the friends we made are from Iowa and are Hawkeye fans....Gopher fans HATE Hawkeye fans. Until now I guess, ugh.}

After a very late and very crazy night, we returned safely to the casita and polished off two room service burgers. Juan was right....they were amazing. 


  1. Tuesday was so fun, 2nd best day of our trip!!!!!

  2. Bahahaha! I was about in tears because of how hard I was laughing about the competition part, haha! It sounds like you guys had a blast and it was on the second day! I am glad that you guys had a great time!

  3. I wish I could have seen the competition. Ridiculous. LOL

  4. oooooooooooohhhhhhh my goodness, this looks like to much fun. I seriously had a stupid smile on my face the whole time while reading this. So fun

  5. This post is seriously so fun! My favorite picture is the one of you and Juan dancing pointing your fingers..priceless. I was too chicken butt to join any of those contests on our honeymoon. I'm a loser I guess.

    ps good job on the beach replica pic :) it's cute!!!

  6. First, you look totally awesome in the beach picture, no wonder, one of the reasons my son fell in love. Two, SISTER, you can dance! My bad for yesterday (punch vs. bump) (like a newspaper correction) AND again thank you for your blog, cause I love these recap details, can't wait for tomorrow! AND LOVE YOU AND J EXTREMELY!

  7. I wish we could see that competition! Love the recap though!

  8. Seriously sounds like you guys had such a blast!

  9. You pictures make me NEED vacation!!!!



  10. super fun!!! i love that you two were apart of the competition- memory maker for sure!

  11. Omg second place is better than not placing at all!! How hilarious! Wish you had a video - I would have loved to have been there! You two are so cute!

  12. What an awesome day, and wow all that food looks amazing and is making me VERY hungry!

  13. wow that seems like an EPIC day! My hubby would NOT have liked doing that show either - but yay for your hubs being a good sport, major points for him!!


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