Friday, November 18, 2011

The Honeymoon {Day 3}

If you read my recap yesterday about Day 2 then you will not be surprised to learn that Wednesday morning was a rough one. Of course, J and I had scheduled an excursion for bright and early. When the alarm went off at 6:15am we both agreed that sleeping was far more important than eating, so we slept for another 45 minutes. 

We made it to the lobby in plenty of time to meet our 8am van to Xel-Ha and Tulum. It took about 45 minutes to get to Xel-Ha {more about that later} but we pretty much got out of the van and on to a bus to head to Tulum to see the Mayan ruins.

We got to Tulum and after two huge bottles of water, we both felt waaay better. J even felt good enough to hold this GIANT iguana...there way no way I was even getting near that thing.

The first part of the trip was lead by a tour guide who taught us about the history of the Mayans and the Ruins. It would have been super interesting had we not been stuck in the group with that guy who was arguing with the guide about the facts and then went on a tangent on how the ruins were actually built by aliens. Yup.
The second half of the morning we got to explore on our own. Apparently in my drunked stupor the night before I incorrectly plugged in my camera. These are the only three pictures I bummer.
{pretty sure this one snapped on accident, but it's pretty cool!}
{a not-so-cute pic of us in front of the ruins}
{the most beautiful view I have ever seen, so sad that I couldn't take more pics to show you all how gorgeous it truly was...cuz it looks like nothing in this picture}
 On our way out of Tulum we bartered with a dude and got an underwater camera for our day at Xel-Ha, cuz you all know there was no way I was going a full day without any photos.

 Xel-Ha is a super cool all natural park filled with activities. It has 4 restaurants, a couple of bars, a lazy river, caves, dolphins, manatees and a huge area for snorkeling.
{wish I could take credit for this picture, but it's from the website}
When we finally got back to Xel-Ha we were both so hungry we thought we'd faint....not eating all morning really messes with your every two hour vacay diet. Thankfully, Xel-Ha was also all-inclusive and we were able to do some damage at the buffet.
{underwater cameras are not the best out of water}
 After we stuffed ourselves we were off to snorkle!

 It was so fun! We saw some really cool fish, my favorites were little yellow and black striped ones that I nicknamed Bumble Bees {obviously}. But, the coolest was seeing a stingray! Again, it's an all natural area so it's just like swimming in the ocean, so seeing the ray was pretty exciting and a little scary! At least for me {a huge wimp}.

On of the things that J has always wanted to do is go zip-lining. Again, I am a monstrous wimp and don't have an ounce of bravery but I promised him I would go. It took some coersing on his part...but I grew a pair and took the plunge. I am so glad I did! It was SO fun! We zip-lined right in to the water. 
{you can tell by my face and curled toes that I am super nervous}
After zip-lining we dumped our gear and made plans to explore the park and go down the lazy river. 

{word to the wise, if you are ever in Riviera Maya or Playa Del Carmen or Cancun go to Xel-Ha because they have the BEST margaritas in the whole world! Seriously!!!!!!!!!!! It's worth the money just for the margs.}
On our way to the lazy river we came across a hammock area and decided to take a much needed short little siesta. Whelp...we ended up sleeping for almost 3 hours. OUT COLD. It was amazing, J thinks it's the best nap he's ever had. 
After the nap we explored the park for a bit and then had to meet our van back to the resort. 

When we got back we showered and headed out to dinner. This time we went to La Fondue, which is obviously a fondue restaurant. 
We started with a salad that had a honey balsamic vinaigrette on it that we were fighting over....I really want to try and recreate that dressing. 
Then we started with a three cheese Mexican fondue
And for our main course we got Beef Tenderloin tips and Spinach in a super yummy onion sauce fondue.
So good! 
Then for dessert they brought out marshmallows to roast over the flame and fruit with a delicious Jack Daniels Chocolate sauce. 
After dinner we stopped by Juan's bar and had a drink with our friends, but we were all so exhausted from the night before we all headed in early. 


  1. You really wanted to swim with the majestic manatees......Geez people start commenting! Love you Toot!

  2. That is something I've always wanted to do and to go zip-lining! How fun! How lucky you both are to experience these things. You both look so happy even hung over. We'll have to try those fondues, they look great, K?

  3. OK. First. 3 hour nap in public? BAHAHAHAHA Second - what a cool place! Third - you know it's lunch time when I start drooling over food pics. HAHA

    OK. I need to go back to photoshopping pillows now. :)

  4. That looks so fun!! The zip line would be such an amazing feeling!

  5. so glad you were brave and zip lined... after our wedding in cabo, one of our remaining days my hubby and i went BUNGEE JUMPING! i was excited but super nervous and SO happy i dont EVER have to do it again. it was great but it's checked off my lift for life! :D

  6. husbandy your hubs that commented? im assuming it is and OMG how freakin cute hahah

    i want to go to xel-ha! that looks like a blast!!!

    im so jealous BAAGHHHH i wanna go on a tropical trip!


  7. Um, nooo way would I get near that lizard! AGH

  8. So fun! Margs? Sign me up!! I have a couple huge parrots on our honeymoon and Billy thought I was crazy for it. I thought it was fun. Made for a good photo op! NICE comment above hubby

  9. I would have peed zip lining.

    Those hammocks look super comfy, especially in warm weather.

    I hated the stingrays in Key West. All I could think of was Steve Erwin.

  10. Xel-ha seems like a blast!! We went zip-lining and we LOVED it! (:

  11. your honeymoon looks so gorgeous and you guys look SO happy!! aren't all inclusives the best!!!!!!! my first time was our honeymoon and pretty sure I ate my body weight in mexican food and salmon :-)

  12. Ahh looks like an incredible trip! The zip lining into the water is amazing!

  13. Looks like an awesome day!! I love that you ziplined right into the water and fell asleep for 3 hours in the was obviously well needed!!! Can't wait to see more!

  14. ohmygosh! i've been to xelha!! it's so amazing!!! i want to go back now.

  15. Wow, what an adventure filled day! I also LOVE fondue...yum!

    Liesl :)


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