Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Honeymoon {Day 5}

Friday of our Honeymoon was probably my favorite day. We once again had an excursion planned, so we woke up early and headed up to the main lobby to have breakfast at Cocotal {which is right under the lobby}. They had an amazing breakfast buffet and the best french toast I've ever had {there was sugar on the crust! So good!}

After breakfast we met our van to head to Dolphin Discovery! 
Swimming with the dolphins was the one thing I absolutely HAD to do while we were there, and thanks to the Beeb & her Hubby and our honeymoon registry, we were able to go! 
{just arriving at Dolphin Discovery}
{snack time for the dolphins}
I was so nervous before we got in the water {again, I am a huge wimp} but once we got in and met the dolphins it was the most incredible thing I have ever done. We got to hang out with two dolphins; Balam and Ricardo. Balam was the biggest dolphin at the park and was 9 and a half feet long! He was enormous! AND, he eats 37 pounds of fish every day. So crazy! I still cannot get over how smart these animals are and how cute they are! 
{kisses from Balam!}

The coolest part was for sure the foot push. For those of you haven't done this before, you basically swim out to the middle of the pool and float on your tummy with your arms and legs out like superman....then the dolphins come up behind you and push the bottoms of your feet with their noses and you pop out of the water and you FLY across the pool. It is beyond incredible how fast you go and how strong the dolphins are! 
The coolest thing ever. Without question. 

When we got back from the dolphin adventure we stopped at The Health Bar at our resort for lunch, we figured it wouldn't kill us to eat one moderately healthy meal while we were there. I started with a Passion Fruit and Avocado Gazpacho and a strawberry, almond and soy smoothie and then we each got a grilled chicken wrap which came with an avocado on the side covered in a pesto sauce and a cucumber filled with some sort of yogurt ranch dressing. As you can guess, it was all delicious. 
After lunch we were both exhausted. We ran back to our casita to grab a blanket and then we took a nap on one of the beach beds right next to the water. 
J's best nap was in the hammocks on Wednesday but my best nap ever was this one. It was a little chilly by the water so we snuggled up under the blanket and fell asleep to the sound of the ocean. It was the best. 

Once we woke up, we headed back to shower and get ready for dinner. As I am posting this I am realizing I didn't take a picture of J and I at La Isla, which is where we ate for dinner on Friday night. It really bums me out because the place was so cool {we ate there for breakfast on Tuesday morning but it looked completely different at night}. But, anyways, we split a bowl of onion soup {which of course was amazing} and the split a Four Cheese Chicken Florentine and Cajun Chicken Alfredo {both of which were to die for}. 

After dinner we met up with Jackie and Billy at Juan's bar {obviously} and the night, per usual, got out of hand in a hurry. 
{shit in the grass shots....so yummy!}

So the cigarette packages had a giant picture of nasty teeth on them, basically showing you what your teeth will look like if you smoke {no, J does not smoke} so J and Billy thought it would be hilarious to take the teeth off the box and use them as their teeth...so stupid, but so funny {at the time}.

Juan and his shots...maybe my favorite picture of the whole trip. 

The boys taking shots. 

We thought it was hilarious that they were too tall for the grass...

JUAN, the best bartender ever!

Again with the grass....


From this point on things once again got beyond ridiculous....

After Juan's Bar we decided it was a great idea to head up to the Martini Bar. 

Jackie, my new buddy! 

After we lost our friend Frank and could not handle one more drink we headed back to Billy & Jackie's room to hang out a little more and, of course, order room service {are you noticing a theme with this trip?}

Here comes the room service......

Yup, 10 plates of food for 4 people, no way we eat all of that...
Definition of gluttony 


  1. LOVE all of your honeymoon pictures!! Looks like you guys had a blast.

  2. haha looks like fun! that swimming with the dolphins looks amaaazing!

  3. YAY for dolphins! :) I'm so glad you guys were able to do it!

  4. SUPER Jealous of you swimming with dolphins! That is my dream haha :) I wish I went to school to be a dolphin trainer b/c swimming with them has to be better than being at the office everyday!

  5. I've always wanted to swim with the dolphins!!

  6. You both truly know how to have FUN and I love the dolphins...so cute! Thank you for sharing all of these and your great action shots!

    Liesl :)

  7. The In-Laws of MilacaNovember 22, 2011 at 2:40 PM

    Spectacular! Those pictures of you and J with the dolphins are precious! You both look awesome! Love you all!

  8. hahaha all those plates, we've so been in the same boat- its too funny!

  9. I love how you ate your way through your honeymoon..we plan to do that same exact thing!!! Love the dolphin pics too!! I have never swam with them but would love to one day!

  10. hahahahah OMG the teeth!! that is priceless

    every day i see these posts i get more and more jealous. you guys had an absolutel blast! im dying to swim with dolphins but id get so scared too hahah

    the food sounds amazing i wish i could try ALL of the stuff you guys had


  11. OMG I am now thinking I want to go to Mexico!!

  12. I am loving your Honeymoon recap and wishing I was going on a vacation, one that would absolutely involve swimming with dolphins. So jealous!! Glad you had an amazing trip!


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