Monday, November 21, 2011

The Honeymoon {Day 4}

Thursday of our trip was another chill day by the pool. 

We ordered room service for breakfast and brought it down to the pool. We got Huevos Rancheros and Breakfast Nachos. Both were delicious. 

We spent the whole morning just lounging by the pool....

At lunch time our pool butler {yes, that's what he called himself} brought around coolers with juice, fruit and the most amazing grilled chicken sandwiches. They looked super generic, but just me when I say they totally blew our minds. 

Ya know when people ask you to "think of your happy place"? 
I will forever think  of this:

After several hours by the pool we went back to the room to get ready for the evening, we got some nachos to tide us over until dinner and of course ordered dinner for our favorite bartender Juan. 

Our plan was to go to the main pool for a tequila tasting, but unfortunately the one day we go the tasting was at 2:30pm instead of we missed it. Instead we just lounged by the main pool. 

Gratuitous "we're married!" ring picture:
 and one more because it was our 4 year dating anniversary:

Once we had even an ounce of an appetite we went to JoJo's which is a Caribbean restaurant right on the ocean. We wanted to make sure to hit up all the restaurants while we were there so we just grabbed an appetizer at JoJo's. I got a Caesar Salad and J got Quesadillas. 

Then we went to Fuentes which was a "culinary theater." They had huge screens all around the restaurant where you can watch the chefs cook the food. They had a HUGE buffet with wonderful food. My absolute favorite was the tortilla soup! They give you the broth and you add whatever you want to it. I may or may not have had three bowls of it. 

Then, per ususal, we met up with the gang at Guacamayas. This night they had an American Idol type competition...our friend Anna participated and got third place, even though she was WAY better than the second place winner. J and I bought cigars for the boys to celebrate our honeymoons. 

Our favorite server at Guacamayas was the shortest little guy ever, and also the sweetest. We asked to take a picture with him and he pulled up a chair so he could be as tall as the boys....and he's still shorter! 

New friends. I seriously miss these guys, luckily they live only 3 hours away and we're already planning a time to meet up again.

After Guacamayas we went up to the martini bar, which was probably my favorite part of the trip. I honestly have never laughed so hard in my life. I would love to share the stories and the hilarious quotes, but I know you wouldn't think any of it was funny so I'll spare you. 

{showing off his Hawkeye pride...gag me}
{the whole week Billy would ask all the bartenders for "mas, mas, mas olives" in his beer and they would all give him like 2 finally, at the martini bar he got his damn olives.}
{shots, just what we needed}
{the walk back to the casitas}
And, of course, we ordered room service. 

I then decided it was absolutely necessary to sleep in the outdoor bed. Which was totally awesome, until the sun came up at 5am. 


  1. Love that tank top that says "I heart my hubby!"

  2. I can understand why that'd be your happy place!

  3. Ok-your "I love my hubby" top is SOOOO stinking cute!! Totally something I would wear ;)

    Oh-and are you sleeping outside in that last pic?! LOL

  4. must agree with steph that your i love hubby shirt is amazing!!

    this trip just looks more and more amazing after each post! THE FOOD!! holy crap I want!

    hahah whose bed and who is IN that bed in that last pic!?!?


  5. I love that you slept outside. LOL

  6. I NEED that I love my hubby shirt!! sooo adorable.

    I like all the food pics you guys have taken on this trip. serious dedication to the blog..or to the food? not sure which. haha

    you made so many new friends! how fun

  7. your Honeymoon looks fabulous! I was looking at the pics, and some of it looked oddly familiar... mainly the food pics... so I had to go back to your Day 1 recap. We went to El dorado Maroma... so I guess some of the food was similar. HAnds down the best food we have ever had. we already want to go back. But Royale seems to have WAY more options... I want to go there next!

  8. Id like the honeymoon sans wedding!

    Sign me up! :)

  9. I love your shirt!!!!!!!! I wore one similar on my honeymoon and people were like "yeah we can tell you are a newlywed" haha

  10. Another beautiful day for you awesome amazing two!

  11. yummm tortilla soup!! i could totally go for some right now. and sleeping outside? awesome.

  12. Its so awesome that you made friends with another couple and hung out with them the whole week..and awesome that you will get to meet up again to hang out!! I love meeting new people!

  13. Cute pics! Love the poses lol!! And your cover up is adorable! I had a "Wifey" bikini and loved wearing it! haha


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