Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Wedding Week.

That's right ladies {and gents} it is time for wedding recaps! I hope you're excited because there's going to be a lot of them! 

The day was sheer amazingness, but sorry, I have to start from the beginning...and no, you don't get to see pics yet.
{cue suspenseful music}

The entire week of the wedding was incredible. We had so much planned and every day was a blast! I was so excited the whole week, I was literally a big ball of happiness.

So let's recap that final week of singledom, shall we?

Thursday, 10.27 {T minus 9 days}
The celebrating kicked off nine days before the big day. My mom and step-dad invited me and J and J's dad and step-mom over for dinner. It was just the six of us and it was great! My mom made a delicious Greek salad and a bolognese pasta that was beyond yummy! 
Both sets of parents gave us our wedding gifts which were so amazing and so generous! 
Then, we all drank champagne and toasted to the next nine days and the rest of our lives!!!

Friday, 10.28 {T minus 8 days}
With just a week + 1 day to go, J and I finished off our weeks at work and then headed over to my dad's house. He grilled us steak, we played Hearts and went over some final wedding details. It was a really fun and relaxing night.
as you can see I lost horribly in Hearts. J made sure to point out the fact that he won.

Saturday, 10.29 {T minus ONE WEEK!}
I could write an entire post about how amazing this day was, but I will try and keep it short. You all know what a HUGE Gopher fan I am, and they have been terrible this season. It's been so hard to watch, but I do what I can to stay positive and cheer for my team no matter what. One of the biggest rivalries we have is with Iowa....I seriously HATE that damn team {and their fans are the worst}. Anyways, my last game as a single gal was against Iowa. We tailgated as usual. Cheered on the team as usual. But, then something miraculous happened....WE BEAT IOWA! As soon as the clock ran out we rushed the field!
It was an amazing moment. If you recall, J proposed on the 50 yard line and one week before our wedding we were once again on the field where we were engaged!
After the game we went to grab food at Tony's Diner {which is where our Groom's Dinner was} and we ended up eating with Marqueis Gray! The Gopher's starting quarterback!
Seriously, such an amazing day and the most perfect way to kick the wedding off.
I still get excited just thinking about it!

Sunday, 10.30 {T minus 6 days!}
The Sunday before the wedding we met with our organist in the morning to finalize music details.
After that, it was pretty much a lazy day with my loves.

Monday, 10.31 {T minus 5 days!}
Monday I got to dip out of work early and get pampered! I treated myself to a face wax {brow, lip & chin}, a facial and a body polish. Let me tell you ladies, if you haven't gotten a body polish....schedule one NOW! I had never had one and I am already trying to find an excuse to get another. They literally rub every part of your body with oil, then an Asian herb exfoiliant, then a toner and finally a moisturizer. You leave and your skin is like BUT-TAH! And the best part....apparently the exfoiliant is a physical and chemical exfoiliant so it continues to work for days after the service. I didn't have to use lotion the whole week! Seriously!

Tuesday, 11.01 {T minus 4 days!}
Tuesday was just a regular old day at work, but I did get to drop all of our reception materials off at the site AND met my mom for lunch in the atrium where our reception was going to be held!
After work I met J at the Tux Shop to see him in his wedding day outfit! He looked so handsome and everything fit perfect! We had plans to clean the house that night, but after an invitation to meet my dad for dinner and drinks cleaning was pushed to the wayside.

Wednesday, 11.2 {T minus 3 days!}
Wednesday was my last day at work and it dragged on and on and on! And, I even left for an hour and a half lunch with my mom and personal attendant to go over all the final details and plans for the weekend. Major shout out to the BeebKatieStephErica and Jess for your constant gchatting and iMessaging that whole day! You have no idea what a help it was! After work I stopped by the jeweler to grab my engagement ring then went to get a little armpit and bikini action taken care of {TMI? sorry.} Then I got to spend the evening with two of my besties celebrating my friend Christina's birthday!

Thursday, 11.3 {T minus 2 days!}
Thursday was my get shiz done day. My Friday was completely booked up so everything I needed to accomplish needed to be accomplished this day. I was running all over town doing last minute drop offs, tanning, meeting my almost sis-in-law for her dress fitting {she lives in Florida, so we had to do a last minute appointment}. And then my darling BEEB met me for lunch and have me an adorable {belated} shower gift!
It's a Bumble Bee as blinds and under it, it says "Good Morning" so stinkin' cute!
After lunch I had a couple more errands to run, like dropping off our welcome bags at the hotel
and then it was officially time to relax and get married! I went to get my nails did:
{I did Plum and Done by Shellac and was obsessed! Sorry for the crappy phone pic}
Then it was time to shower and get ready and head to my mom's house! My Aunt and Uncle {from Arkansas} and my mom's bff {from Colorado} who is practically my Aunt because I've known her my whole life were already in town and we were all going out to dinner! We went to Manny's, which is an amazing steakhouse downtown Minneapolis.
It was so fun catching up with family I hadn't seen in years! It still hadn't sunk in, though, that they were all there for me and J.

Next up, the rehearsal dinner!


  1. Wow-such a good little documenter you are!!

    The pic of y'all on the football field is PRE-CIOUS!! LOVE it and LOVE your hat!!

  2. That looks like an awesome week prior to the wedding day!!

  3. what an incredible experience, what better way to celebrate one day than to celebrate it w nine days!?

  4. You really were a busy bee before your wedding!

  5. LOVE that Gopher hat!! Even though I'm a bit more of a Bulldogs fan ;-)
    What can I say, I'm closer to UMD! Haha

  6. Holy crap you were busy! That body polish sounds heavenly right about now. My skin will NOT stay hydrated in this stupid climate. UGH.

  7. im super excited for these recaps because itll put me in wedding fever and ill bug kurt for days hahah k JKKK will give me wedding fever

    i love how excited you guys are at your party opening some wedding gifts!! :-)

    and i agree with steph...the football field pic. AMAZING. I love your gopher hat!


  8. You looked so stinking cute at the game! And, I'm from Arkansas, so I was glad to see you had relatives from there! :)

  9. I love this post. No one ever does the week leading up to the BIG day. I love all of the pics!

  10. See, that's MY DIL, so proud of her and all the things she does! Very impressed I am! You and J are truly awesome people! I really mean truly! AND really nice looking pictures of you both at the dinner! LOVE YOU ALL, incl. Bailey Mae!

  11. Oooooh I LOVE wedding recaps! It's so fun to read about the excitement and love :) You and your man are so dang cute! Can't wait to read more :)

  12. What a fun wedding week! I can't wait until we get closer to our wedding date and can start doing all of this fun stuff. Looking forward to reading the rest of your story :)

  13. What an amazing last week before the big day, I hope mine goes as smoothly as yours!!!


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