Thursday, December 1, 2011

Out With the Old & In With the New

Those of you who follow me on Twitter, may have seen this picture of my guest room: 
Getting wedding gifts is AWESOME and we are so grateful and blessed to have such generous friends and family....but putting that shiz away is a lot of work. 

I love our townhouse, but my biggest gripe has always been the kitchen...especially now that we actually have kitchenware appropriate for a grown-up couple. I have been dreading putting away the gifts because it is going to take massive amounts of tossing and organizing to get this stuff to fit.

So as of this past weekend I have officially kicked off Operation Clean House. 

I have big plans for our place, I want to clean out and throw out all of our old crap, deep clean, organize and decorate! We've already started to put a couple of the essential gifts to use: 
{wine cellar}
{waffle maker}
{bedroom TV}
I have a lot to do, and it will undoubtedly be a huge process but thanks to some pushy friends of mine, I bit the bullet and joined Pinterest {follow me HERE} so I am getting plenty of ideas and inspiration! 

I am so excited to share everything with you guys! 


  1. I'm going on my two year anniversary and some of my kitchen stuff from the wedding is still not put away!!

  2. welcome to pinterest!!!!!!!! you will never be bored!!!

  3. welcome to pinterest, it's amazing!

    yay for gift, boo for finding a place to put them.

  4. I totally feel you about putting away the kitchen stuff! Tyler wouldnt even let me register for certain things because he said we just dont have room! Point was proven when it came time to put stuff away. I have stuff stashed everywhere... and we did a clean out of the old crap too!

  5. Welcome to Pinterest - the world's best time wasting tool. :)

  6. You will be soooo addicted to Pinterest! I lay in bed at night and can't go to sleep because I cant stop pinning!! lol

  7. BUT what your fellow bloggers don't know is even right before the wedding you cleaned up that room enough for your in-laws to stay in. Amazing, you are amazing! All my love to J,K and Bailey!

  8. LOVE the wine fridge. We SO need one of those!! Have fun with the rest of the goodies :-)

  9. Unfortunately since one of my showers will be held up north, some of my stuff will have to stay at my parents house until I can get it all back down here..that will really stink to have all this nice new stuff yet not get to use it!

  10. Um, is that a wine fridge?? I wish we would have registered for one of those!! Its on our Christmas list this year

  11. It is a ton of work putting everything away! lol Looks like y'all made out pretty well! ;)


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