Thursday, December 29, 2011


It's that time of year where everyone reflects on the past and looks forward to the future. Looking back at the past year, I can't really believe all that has happened. It was truly a year to remember!

I have been working long and hard coming up with my
Top 12 Memories from 2011! 

I tried to be cute and pick 11 but I couldn't narrow it down any lower than 12.

Wanna hear 'em? OK...

12. I purchased my first pair of designer shoes! 
I had dreamt of owning a pair of Jimmy Choos most of my life and if getting married wasn't a reason to buy a pair, I was never going to find one. Read the whole story HERE! And see my shoe shoot {yes I did a shoe shoot} HERE

11. Scottsdale
In April I got to go to Arizona to spend a weekend with my mom and get some much needed R&R. It was a great trip and I loved spending some quality girl time with my mom.

10. One Year Anniversary!
Our coffee shop, Coffee Buzz, celebrated one year in business on March 1st. Unfortunately, we closed 6 months later...but hitting that one year mark was a huge feat and I will be forever proud of what we accomplished.

9. Friend's Nuptials! 
2011 was the year of love, let me tell you! Between showers, bachelorette parties, weddings and engagements I was really feeling the love this past year!

8. Britney Concert! 
It was my third time seeing Britney {i am OBSESSED} and was probably the most fun I've had a Brit Brit concert! Our seats got upgraded, the show was the bomb and I got to spend the night with my best friend and sister!
{full story HERE}

7. Arizona vs Duke
Husband and I are ENORMOUS Arizona basketball fans {read why HERE}
When Arizona was matched up to play #1 seeded Duke in the Sweet Sixteen of the NCAA Tournament we knew it would be a tough game that would be hard to win....but as it said in a Sports Illustrated article, "In barely more than four minutes, the damage was done and so was Duke. Arizona hit the defending national champions with an offensive barrage so swift and surprising that the Blue Devils had no answer."
One of the best basketball games I've ever watched! I still get wound up just thinking about it!
{Moment for Life, JJ}

6.  Wedding Planning!
It's hard to group all the planning and parties in to one memory, because I could come up with 12 favorite memories just pre-wedding related. I loved every minute of planning and felt so celebrated the whole year. Between showers, bachelorette parties, meetings with vendors, shopping for my dress and the BM dresses and our Wedding Party Party...every little thing was something to be remembered.
 Read all about the wedding planning adventures right HERE! 

5.  The Beeb's Wedding! 
On September 30th two of my best friends got married! After two years of helping my Carolyn plan her wedding the big day was finally here! And I was lucky enough to be in the wedding {and my hubby was the best man}. The whole day was so fun and special and all of Carolyn's hard work came together perfectly!
Read all about their big day over at Carolyn's Blog: Life, Love & Puppy Prints

4. Bachelorette Lake Weekend!
My best friends {and bridesmaids} and my mom took me up North to Cook, Minnesota for an amazing Bachelorette Weekend! We had so much fun and it was one of the best weekends of my life! Read all about the whole weekend right HERE!

3. Honeymoon!
We went to Mexico for the first time on a week-long honeymoon. It was the most fun I've ever had and could not have imagine a better way to spend my first week as a married lady. The highlight, however, was swimming with the dolphins! Something I've always wanted to do.
{Read all the honeymoon details: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5, Day 6}

2. Remission! 
September 13th 2011, I was shocked, scared, heartbroken and shaken to the core to learn that one of my best friends and bridesmaid, Courtney, had been diagnosed with Lymphoma. After 3 long months of chemotherapy and radiation we learned that {just in time for the holidays} Courtney is IN REMISSION! Court has always been a pillar of strength and support in my life and in so many others and this is exactly why all of our prayers were answered!

Everything from the week before to the rehearsal to the wedding day was sheer amazingness. I loved every minute and will look back on that week of my life with nothing but fondness and joy. It was without question the best day of the year and my entire life!

I hope you all have a wonderful and SAFE New Year's!
Here's to a fabulous 2012! 


  1. you had teh best year EVER!!!

    i have seriously loved following along on your journey of LOVE! dont I sound wicked cheesy hahah

    everything about this is great :-) Beebs wedding, remission, honeymoons, bachy parties, YOUR WEDDING! amazing


  2. Such a great year! :) Here's hoping 2012 is just as much fun!!! (and maybe a little easier on the wallet! HAHA)

  3. 2011...what a year?!?! 2012 is definitely gonna have a hard time topping this year for you girly!! Happy new year love! xoxo

  4. 2011 will be hard to top!! But many blessings to you and your hubby in 2012!

  5. What a great year! I hope 2012 is just as fabulous!

  6. You have had a fabulous year and I have had fun following it on here :D xo

  7. loved the britney concert as well!
    as you may know, i got to meet her out in Cali when I was 8 months preggo- her concert in july was my first big outing after having baby girl--- avrie was 1 week old! i went with my BFF and it dawned on me mid-show that i still looked about 3 months pregnant ordering and drinking a big fat cocktail! i am BRITNEY obsessed as well. agreed that the show was AWESOME but 1 week post c-section was not the VERY best idea i've ever had LOL... but i could NOT miss my brit!

  8. What a great recap! And I love the fact that your designer shoes made the list - a girl after my own heart!

    And I know I've said it before, but it's really amazing that you had your own business. It sucks that you had to close the doors but you're right - it was an amazing feat and no one can ever take that away from you.

    Yay Kristin!!

  9. What a fun recap! It seems like you definitely had a great year! :) I hope 2012 is just as great for you!

  10. I love Scottsdale! My parents live there. You had such an exciting year!!

  11. i think this year was a FANTASTIC and FABULOUS one for sure!

  12. What a absolutely wonderful year and I am thankful we got to share it with you, it made ours better! Love you, J, and Bailey Mae! Happy New Year! Way to go TX A&M!

  13. LOVED this post! You had an incredible year girlie

  14. lets talk about those shoes again, were they super comfortable?


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