Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The day of me and Jason's first date my fish at the time, Pablo, passed away. I was devastated and afraid that it was a horrible omen for the date to come. Turns out there was no omen and the date was amazing. About a month later, after Jason and I had become serious he surprised me with a new fish who I named Manhattan Tinkerbell {we called her Manny for short}. 
After nearly four years, my beloved Manny has passed away. I know she was just a fish but she meant a lot to me and my heart is aching. She lead a wonderful life and I hope she is up in fish heaven hanging out with her big brother Pablo. 


  1. Ohhhh, I'm sooo sorry to hear that honey. I never knew J had got her for you, how sweet. That is a long life for your beta, so its alll goood cuz she is in heaven, that is the truth. Love you all!

  2. oh me sorry.... we had a fishy like this as well that we got to go along with our wedding reception decorations- he didn't live long and i have NO idea why... only explanation was that he didnt like his new name- we changed his name one day and then he was gone the next :( i was super sad and i only had the fishy for like 2 months!


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