Friday, December 2, 2011

Do Me a Solid, Wouldya?

New husband, New name, New e-mail address. 
Some of you may have noticed that I am no longer be using my e-mail address because....

1) Coffee Buzz closed and I no longer have the domain 
2) I'm a married woman with a married last name and a married e-mail address! 

So, I need you all to do me a favor. I need to re-follow all of your blogs which is super NOT cool but that's what I've gotta do to switch everything over! SOOOOO, could you all leave a comment {feel free to say something nice} so then I can just click and follow, instead of going to my g-reader and clicking each link and all that unnecessary nonsense?!? 

Thanks bunches!

Have a great weekend, 
The Mrs.

ps. thoughts on the new blog design? it's definitely a work in progress, but are your feelings about it so far?


  1. Good luck with switching everything!

  2. omg I loved getting a new email addy! And I even changed my name on FB the NIGHT we got married!

  3. I love the new design. I stumbled upon your blog a month ago and love it! I plan on keeping up with it )
    XO Lourdes

  4. yay for being married & new last names :)

  5. Stumbled upon your blog & now read daily :) Still jealous of you swimming with dolphins. Its on my bucket list!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I was linked to your blog recently by some of your bloggie friends who I also follow and I loved reading all about your honeymoon! Can't wait to read more about the wedding itself!

  8. Congrats on your wedding again! Love your honeymoon pics-it looks like it was very beautiful! Not sure if you had followed my blog before but I'm at

  9. Whoop! Gotta love the fun married name changes. :) You know my blog. Duh.

  10. Yay! Setting up the new married email address felt good!! Good luck changing your name with everything else (changing an email is the easy part!) :)

  11. Holla! Been married 1.5 years and have yet to change my last name... woops :)

  12. When I get Married in June I'm gonna have to do the same thing!! Boooo!!

  13. Fellow Minnesotan Newlywed :) Love reading your blog!!!! I think the new blog is looking good!!!!

  14. I still haven't changed my email by it will be such a pain. Can't wait tosee wedding photos :)

  15. We've been married for over a year and I have yet to make the whole change. Sad, I know. I get overwhelmed just thinking about it. But good luck lady love!!

  16. follow me beezy!

    i still have my old email address, but only bc i'm waiting for my sister-in-law to give me her old email address bc we have the same first name, she's holding onto it, but i'm hoping that she'll give in eventually

  17. I am loving the new blog look. Good luck with the switch!

  18. As excited as I am to get married, changing my name over is something I'm having a hard time getting excited about - all the paperwork! YUCK.

  19. So many changes for you and the hubby...the perfect way to start 2012!!! :)

  20. Love what you have done so far!

  21. Eeek so happy for you! Ok, now I'm busy catching up and seeing how everything went and all! Can't wait to see pics and hear more...

    Sorry I've been MIA.. life has been so busy and I barely have anytime to blog, but I am trying! I will have our honeymoon pics up soon and posting about Christmas and such. Hope you're LOVING being married...


  22. love the new blog look! super cute!


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