Friday, December 9, 2011

Step-Dad is 60.

Yesterday was my step-dad, Steve's 60th birthday! My mom through him an incredible party at his office. It was a wonderful night filled with family and friends celebrating Steve's first 60 years. 

My mom had gorgeous flowers from Arts & Flowers {who did my wedding} and fabulous food from D'Amico and Sons {who also did my wedding}. 

 My gorgeous mama with her hubby, the birthday boy!

Guest book picture and playing card favors! 

My company designed and printed these custom playing cards as favors...they match the invitations that were sent out. How cute are they? 

 Me and my honey. 

 Me and the birthday boy!!!

Me, my mom and Steve. 
It was a great party! My mom put so much hard work in to it and it was a great success! I hope Steve had a WONDERFUL birthday! Here's to 60 more years! :) 


  1. Please pass the message on... Happy Birthday to Steve, he's a wonderful man! Deward and Lisa.

    He is so nice and fun. A blended marriage/family can be difficult but you can tell your mom & him know how to work it out just right.

  2. Thank you for your beautiful pictures and super sweet post today. Love it! m


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