Thursday, December 8, 2011


Christmas is right around the corner and my birthday is next week, and while all I really want is to spend time with my friends and family it is only natural to make a little wishlist for those who may chose to spoil me with a gift or two. 

I would really like a cleaning lady. Hear me out, our place is not big--and we're not that messy but I would absolutely LOVE if someone came to the house once a month and gave it a really good deep clean {think bathrooms, shower, dusting, kitchen} and then all J and I would have to do is keep it clean in between visits.

Jimmy Choo Ballet Flats....need I say more? 

The Lion King is coming to Minneapolis. I've seen it twice on Broadway and to say that I am obsessed is an understatement. It is without a doubt my favorite show of all-time and I do not want to miss it! All I need is one ticket...I am totally fine going on my own. 

I know I'm old and married when I am asking for kitchen utensils. We registered for this amazing set of nylon utensils from Crate & Barrel and did not get I would love these. 

I need a serious upgrade when it comes to make up. I have a completely random collection of makeup and a lot of it is something I just grabbed because it was cheap and easy. I would love to go on a little shopping spree at the Smashbox counter! 

Let's be honest, I spend half of my money at a gift card would be a real help! 

I am in desperate need of some new clothes....especially now that I have a job where I'm not behind a counter schlepping coffee. Any of the following would be fine. Thank you Pinterest

What are you wishing for this Holiday Season?


  1. Love the list! I have Marc Jacob's Daisy perfume...and a new long champ bag on my list:)

  2. Hey g/ should try Bare minerals make up. Since you have amazing skin already you don't need much but I use it and LOVE it and it's healthy for your skin. Try the starter's only $60 and lasted me SO SO SO long. like 8 mos.

    Also....I'm obsessed with that bow skirt. can you find me it?!

  3. I love so many of these items on your wish list!!! Thanks for the inspiration.

  4. im with ya with the lusting over a pair of louboutin heels hahah MIIIIIGHT be a few years before that happens but ill dream until then!

    i am also in need of new clothes! im so sick of the ones i have haha ugh

    i also want a puppy!


  5. The cleaning lady is on the top of my list!! :o)

    My birthday is next week also!!

  6. Great wishlist!! I already have tickets to the Lion King show...I got them for my mom for Christmas. She will love it but I wonder if she will think the gift is for her or me :) I am obsessed with Lion King and have been since the first movie came out. I am beyond excited to go!!!!

  7. omg. what I wouldn't give for a cleaning lady!! life would be so much easier not having to worry about cleaning bathrooms and dusting (my least favorite chores)!

    Alos, I'm having a giveaway with a bunch of makeup that ends tonight. Check it out!

  8. Such a good list Beebs! Can you gain like 25 lbs so we can share all those cute clothes? K THanks. LOL

  9. i need some work shoes, flats and heels. i'd love some of the holiday sets at mac, but don't need them. a new purse. jewelry always. some glitter toms, and clothes of course.

  10. I love the grey and light pink combo! So girly but casual. And I'm with you on the makeup. I've found some great palettes that have made their way to my wishlist!

  11. Amazing pinterest outfit selections. I would totally love a wardrobe update to!

  12. Love the last skirt! And I bet we could all use a cleaning lady... I live in a studio apartment, but could always use help cleaning up!

  13. can I havea cleaning lady too! And a laundry lady?

  14. OH I would love a cleaning lady too, once a month for the deep cleaning would suffice just fine. Also I love bare minerals too..its the best!!!!


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