Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Rehearsal.

The day before our wedding was one of the best of my life. It really set the bar high for the actual wedding. 

My mom picked me up early Friday morning, it was the last time I would be at our house until after we were married. Me, my mom, my Aunt Tina {from Arkansas} and my mom's best friend Sherri, who is like my Aunt {from Colorado} started our morning with coffee and then went to Rocco Altobelli to get pedicures. It was such a fun morning---filled with girl talk, tons of laughing and catching up.
Please excuse the non-make up. 
After our pedi's we went to Crave {one of my favorite restaurants} for lunch and a glass of champagne.

The rest of the afternoon was spent running last minute picking up my dress!!!
Me & my Aunt Sherri were nice and comfy in the backseat with that dress
After a shower and about 15 Tums {my nerves were starting to set in} it was time to meet my Groom and the  rest of our wedding party at the church. 
The Girls.
The boys.
Practicing getting married:
I was holding hands with my MOH the entire time....I don't know why but it made me so calm.
So close to being Mr. and Mrs.!

Then everyone had to practice coming down the aisle....
Jr. Bridesmaids--our sisters Kara and Ally
Ryan and Courtney
Jeff and Christina
Seth and Natalie
The Beeb and her hubby Jake
My brother {Nate} and J's sister {Nicole}
Best Man {Colin} and Maid of Honor {Libby}
Finally...the bride & her dad
{this is a NASTY pic, but my dad was being a goof, making me laugh}
Then he had to practice giving me away.....

Practicing getting married!!!

We flew through the rehearsal and then it was time to practice our party skills at the Groom's dinner. My wonderful in-laws hosted the most incredible party! The Groom's dinner was at Tony's Diner which has been my favorite little restaurant since college. The owner, Tony, is Greek {like me} so we have always had a bond. 
Tony had only closed his restaurant one other time and it was for his cousin's Christening. Needless to say it meant A LOT that he was willing to close the restaurant for us. 

It was so surreal having all of our family {so many from out of state} and our best friends all in the same room and all there to celebrate us. I had the best time catching up with everyone! 
Brother, Me, Dad, Sister and Grandma
3 of the groomsmen and their gorgeous dates.
My sister, brother and cousins Ben & Sara {from Colorado}
The Beeb. Classic.
J's dad giving a toast/speech
I LOVE this picture of my friends listening to my {almost} father-in-law's speech.
Such a wonderful and heartfelt speech
Me and my Groom! See the centerpiece? J's step-mom MADE those! They were awesome!!!
Tony prepared an incredible Greek meal for everyone. It really meant a lot that my in-laws were willing to serve Greek food and give a nod to my heritage. Good thing they did because it was AMAZING! 
Philo Wrapped Chicken, Rosemary Potatoes and Veggies. YUMM-O!

Once dinner was finished Tony busted out the OUZO! Which was a total surprise and his gift to us! 
So sweet and so fun, OPA!!!! 
Me and the Best Man!

After the ouzo made it's way around we handed out our gifts to the wedding party and our parents....but THAT my friends is for another day. :)

The night wound down and slowly everyone started to depart...which was good because we had had a big day ahead of us, but I didn't want the night to end! Turns out my mom felt the same way, when we got back to her house and my step-dad headed up to bed she looked at me and said, "Are you ready for bed?" to which I replied, "No, I'm not ready to sleep yet." My mom just smiled and said, "Good, me neither." We poured one more drink, turned on the fire and watched a couple episodes of Friends {my all-time favorite show}.

It was the absolute most perfect way to end my last day as a single girl. 


  1. I love the new look of your blog! It is beyond me how you do it. m

  2. Awesome pictures, the restaurant looks like a neat one! I really like the black dress you wore.

  3. This day was so much fun! :) Almost as fun as the day after!!!!!

  4. What a beautiful way to end the evening. To say the least, I was so happy with the entire day. Since we got to spend the night at your house, our closing evening was champagne with PS3(or was it XBox) college football (Gophers, TX A&M), Travis, Deward, J & me and I already starting crying (joyfully) and Travis started a crying betting pool. LOVE IT!

  5. Great photos! I wish I had more pictures from our rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. And Friends is my all time favorite show too!! :)

  6. oh.. the last bit about your last moments as a single girl with your mom was so sweet! :) and I have to ask.... you wrote YUMM-O in your post, did you say this before mexico or is this as a result of mexico? hahaha my husband and i ALWAYS say el full-O when we have had too much to eat and it's from our first trip to cabo! hahaha

  7. I'm a new follower & have loved reading about your big day!

  8. love the wedding posts! and the new header, looks good!

  9. 1. LOVE the new blog design!!!

    2. Wasn't the rehearsal SOOOO surreal?!?!

    3. What is a groom's dinner? Is that the same as "rehearsal dinner"..I've never heard of it before!

  10. What a perfect day-before-the-wedding! I love how you were able to spend time with important family early in the day and your friends and family later on.

  11. The dress fills the backseat! Hahhaa

  12. What an amazing day, awesome that Tony closed the resturant just for you guys! That sounds like me and my mom, staying up late just to chit chat! I know I will be a bucket of nerves the night before!


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