Friday, January 6, 2012

Our Holidays

It's been a super busy and super fun couple of weeks, but man am I worn out. Here's what we did to celebrate Christmas and ring in the New Year. 

Christmas #1- We went up to Milaca to see Jason's mom and step-dad on the Friday before Christmas. We normally go up Christmas night but it worked out so great going up early, we may just have to make that our new tradition. My sister-in-law, Nicole, was in town from Florida and joined us. It was a great night with family, laughs and a drink or two. 
Bailey's stocking...a Chicken Tender!
She loved it! 
Husband, Sister-in-Law and Me :)
Family <3

Christmas #2-On Christmas Eve afternoon we went to my dad's house to open presents, play the dice game and eat way too many yummy appetizers. 
The most gorgeous Christmas tree ever! I love it. 
Husband, Bailey, Me, Little Sister, Shiloh, Brother, & Brother's Fiance
Bailey straddling the arm of the chair while we were opening gifts--such a lady.

Christmas #3 was spent with Jason's dad's family....and there is a lot of family. I believe there were 35 of us there this year and we were missing a few people! We played the dice game with Gift Cards {which was a super fun idea}, ate way too much food and even got a game of beer pong going with all the cousins. 
I'm super sad this is the only picture I took...Jason with his cousin Evan
After the celebration with the whole family, we went back to my father-in-law's for their family tradition. Every Christmas Eve Jason's step-mom gives all the "kids" new pajamas. We all got comfy right after opening them and the boys played cards while us girls snuggled up and watched Miracle on 34th Street. 
My sister-in-law, Ally

Christmas #4 was back at the in-laws on Christmas morning for breakfast, mimosas and gifts.

Christmas #5 was at our house! It was our first time hosting a holiday and I was so excited! 
Our tree may only be three feet tall, but it's adorable!
My table! Trust place mats are a big deal for me.
Apparently I was too busy running around making holiday martis, I mean hosting, to take any more pictures. But it was a great night and I LOVED hosting...wondering if I could talk my mom into passing the baton for good?

New Year weekend was another busy and fun couple of days. 

Friday night J and I went to the Timberwolves game against the Miami Heat. 
 It was an awesome game, even though we lost. The Heat beat us by 4, which for the Wolves is awesome AND we had a chance to win, it came down to the wire. BUT, the best part was after the game when I got a high five from MY ALL TIME FAVORITE PLAYER (sorry Kevin Garnett), DERRICK WILLIAMS! 
After the game we obviously had to go celebrate the high five...and yes, I held my hand up like that the whole night. 

Finally, it was time for New Years Eve. Last year we had some friends over to my dad's house and it was so fun we decided to do it again! We a great gang of peeps to ring in the new year! 

Such a wonderful time of year! It's hard to believe it's all over and we're starting fresh with a brand new year! I hope you all enjoyed your holiday season as much as I did! 


  1. Looks like you had a wonderful holiday with friends and family :D

  2. What a great holiday season. I love that your pjs are "pink". :)

  3. My boyfriend was at the Heat game Friday too and I totally met him at Huberts (I think that's where it looked like you were) after?! I get way too much entertainment out of reading your blog and saying "Ooh! I know that place! I know that city!"...haha.. I don't know many MN bloggers. :)

  4. Yah! I'm glad to see all the pics from the holidays! Gotta tell ya though, I might be a lil bias, but you and J seriously take the cutest pictures together! Schoob was quite photogenic too, I might add. LOVE YOU ALL!

  5. funny photo of your dog on the couch! hahahaha and what's the dice game, I am looking for more ideas with my hubbys family- i hate drawing names and picking useless gifts within a price range, kind of annoying.

  6. Your holidays looked amazing! You can never have too much family time...and looks like you have a lot of amazing family! Your doggy is precious too!


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