Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Wedding Recap {The Morning}

On Saturday November 5, 2011 at 6:45am my alarm went off but I was already awake. I remember laying in the dark just thinking "Today is my wedding day." "I am getting married today." It was so surreal, and exciting and nerve-racking. Once the alarm went off I hopped out of bed with butterflies in my stomach. I took a shower, washed my face and brushed my teeth. Once I heard the floors above me creek I knew my mom was awake....I ran up the stairs and as soon as I saw my mom and step-dad I started to dance, which was immediately followed by my step-dad serenading us with "Going to the Chapel."

After our mini-dance party my mom and I loaded up her car with all of my wedding day necessities and were off to the hotel to meet my girls. My Maid of Honor and Best Friend, Libby entertained us all buy wearing a Justin Bieber hoodie/snuggy. 
All the girls were on time...which is beyond impressive for our group, and we were off to the Smart & Chic Beauty Lounge for brunch and some glam. 

After a morning of dancing, eating and hanging out with my best friends it was my turn to get in the chair and get beautified for my wedding! 

As I have mentioned a few times before one of my bridesmaids, Courtney, was diagnosed with Lymphoma in September and was going through chemo at the time of our wedding. I really wanted to do something so that she knew how appreciative I was to have her as part of my day, and for the fact that she didn't skip a beat during all the pre-wedding festivities even though I'm sure resting was something she would much rather be doing. So, I found this adorable Lymphoma Ribbon pin on choosehope.com and had it pinned on to my bouquet. 
One of my favorite memories from the day was showing it to Courtney. 

Then it was time to finish my hair.....

Meanwhile, the boys {who were way more rested} met at International Market Square to get ready...

Putting on the Arizona cuff links I gave him for his birthday. 

The watch was my wedding present to Jason. 

All dressed and ready to see his Bride. 

Back at the Beauty Lounge it was time to put on my dress. Getting that dress on was not only a group effort but a huge wake up call...I was a bride, I was getting married, in a few short hours I would be walking down the aisle. It was definitely emotional and gave me a bit of a tummy ache. Thanks to my amazing mom and friends I was able to keep it together. 

Once everyone was dressed and ready to go we did a quick champagne toast. 

Then we were out the door
and off to see my Groom. 

All photographs by Sara Jayne Photography


  1. Ahhh I love those pictures! hanks for sharing the morning of your wedding!
    The Beauty Lounge seems like a beautiful place! Love the wallpaper!

  2. Great pictures, you and your girls are all so cute :-)

    I absolutely love the idea of the pin for your friend, she must have been so touched!

  3. YAY! :) We were such an attractive wedding party. :)

  4. You look so beautiful and glamorous! I love your hair style. Your wedding day is such a special day, I get giddy thinking of how I felt on mine!

  5. I love all of these pictures! You girls are absolutely gorgeous! I'm still waiting on all my wedding pictures to come back'so I can post them :)

  6. Kristin, you made the most beautiful bride! I absolutely love your dress and hair! They go perfectly together! :) Thanks for sharing!

  7. You looked absolutely stunning! Thanks for sharing pictures!:)

  8. Well, with your hubby to be, since coming in from out of town, spending the night, after an excellent rehearsal dinner and church rehearsal.... I as your MIL was emotional but so very happy. My son was marrying the love of his life, a beautiful, compassionate, creative, intelligent woman! WOW!

    AND the calm, cool, handsome, very intellectual, son of mine got us coffee shop coffees at 9:00 a.m. and we said a blessing toast and he was off to get ready..... BUT I got to see his AWESOME shoes before he left! I cried. He hugged and said I LOVE YOU, I was so proud and so was Deward. A beautiful morning to one of the best days of my life.

  9. you looked absolutely gorgeous!

    By the way I tagged you. Hope you join in the fun :)


  10. there is something magical about the morning of...you guys all looked so beautiful!!

  11. What beautiful photos and what a beautiful day of getting ready! You were so gorgeous on your wedding day :)

  12. how fantastic, your wedding was perfect!

  13. awwww, these are beautiful pictures! i was smiling throughout the whole post. :) everyone looks so pretty. and you are radiant and gorgeous! :)

    <3, Mimi

  14. love this :)


  15. ummm I loved reading this. I love all the pics. Love your hair, dress, etc. And the groomsmen pics are even fabulous!!! Greatttttt recap!! XOXO Can't wait to read more.

  16. Love, love, LOVE these!!! Congratulations!!! You look beautiful and I love your eye make-up! Can't wait to see more...SO exciting!!!

    Liesl :)

  17. I STILL can't get over how amazingly beautiful you looked!!! ahhhhh! so wish I could've been therE! I would've tackled your butt. hahaha

    so so pretty and the blog is looking GOOD lady.

  18. Your photographer did an amazing job covering all this and you look GORGEOUS!! Such a diva! ;)

  19. Your photographer did an amazing job covering all this and you look GORGEOUS!! Such a diva! ;)

  20. LOVE LOVE LOVE the getting ready photo's. And the pin is just the sweetest, so thoughtful.

  21. I love this post and all of the pictures. You looked gorgeous on your big day! And the Beauty Lounge looks like an awesome place to get dressed!

  22. love that ribbon idea for your friend! i remember my tummy butterflies as soon as my dress was on as well- i thought i was going to lose my ultra lite-brunch!

  23. You look GORGEOUS! And I love his face when he opened the watch! You guys are adorable!


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