Monday, February 6, 2012

Meal Planning Monday & My Weekend

A daily conversation between me and my husband...

Mrs: "Hey, what do you want to do for dinner tonight?"
Mr: "Doesn't matter to me, what do you want to do?"
Mrs: "I really don't care, do you feel like anything in particular?"
Mr: "No, not really. Do you?"
Mrs: "No, I guess I'll just figure something out."
Mr: "OK, great."

Well, it was a daily conversation until NOW! I have to admit after one week of meal planning, I love it! It was so nice to know what we were eating, not have to come up with something and to have all the ingredients already. After taking what I learned from week one, and using ingredients that I still have on hand here is what I've come up with for this week of meal planning:
Feb. 6-Feb. 10
Starbucks Latte & Veggie Sausage
Kashi Honey Puffs, Skim Milk & Banana
Kashi Honey Puffs, Skim Milk & Banana
Kashi Honey Puffs, Skim Milk & Banana
Kashi Honey Puffs, Skim Milk & Banana

Mrs. Gras Noodle Soup

Amy’s Organic Black Bean Soup

Amy’s Organic Tomato Soup

Quinoa Cakes,
Red Pepper,
Chobani Yogurt

Quinoa Cakes,
Red Pepper,
Chobani Yogurt

Grilled Chicken w/ Brown Rice

Dinner w/ Mom

Quinoa Cakes w/ Cheesy Broccoli

Dinner w/
Mom & Nate
Greek Turkey Burgers & Asparagus

Chobani Yogurt,

Chobani Yogurt,

String Cheese


String Cheese
It's a pretty boring week meal planning wise. I have a bunch of stuff in the cupboards that I want to eat up and my mom will be in town from Arizona, so we're going out to eat on Tuesday and Thursday. I am really excited to try these Greek Turkey Burgers on Friday though!
Carolyn and I got such a great response from all of you in regards to meal planning, so we decided to make it a weekly post! If you meal plan or want to start, join us in posting your meals on Monday. 
We even made this super cute button:
Not sure why the middle is blurry....I'm working on it. 

As for this weekend, it was a good one! Friday night I spent the evening painting our guest room. If you recall, one of my goals for this month was to get the room cleaned organized and redecorated for our friends coming to visit on the 25th. I've made some great progress and am pretty excited about everything coming together. Here's a little sneaky peak of the color I chose:

Saturday I got to spend the entire day with my Beeb. We met for a morning yoga class at the gym. It was a great class and it was so fun doing yoga with a friend. After yoga we were off to cheer on my little sister and the Eden Prairie Dance Team at the Section Championship!
The girls got third place in Jazz and FIRST PLACE IN KICK!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Which means both the Jazz and Kick teams are going to State! 
Obviously we had to go out and celebrate the victory with some cocktails. 
I won't lie to you...I over indulged. Actually that's not true, I only had a couple of drinks but I didn't eat dinner and I ended up feeling not-so-hot. I was able to pull myself out of bed on Sunday with enough time to make some cookies for the super bowl. 
White Chocolate and Chocolate Chip yummy! 

We watched the Super Bowl with some friends at my dad's house.
We had a TON of great food 
And of course we had a squares board. Our friend Jeff won ALL four quarters! 
So not fair! 

But the best part of the night...THE GIANTS WON! 
I love Eli Manning and absolutely despise Tom Brady so I was a happy lady! I thought it was a great game and thought Madonna's halftime show was one of the better shows in the last several years! I was let down by the commercials though. But overall it was a great Super Bowl and another fun weekend! 


  1. I linked up with you for Meal Planning Monday!
    I was disappointed with the Superbowl commercials too but I agree, it was one of the better halftime shows. You just can't go wrong with Madonna!

  2. That's a great meal plan Beebs! :) And I had a great Saturday with you!!!!!

  3. I love that you guys will be posting your meal plans!! I die for organization :-)

  4. Meal Planning is such a good idea...I always tell myself I will do it....then fail miserably haha.

  5. few things:

    1) that meal plan looks AWESOME

    2) your friend is so lucky to have won...JEEZ!

    3) Youre lucky i still love you for saying you hate tom brady! hahah ;-) but the giants did win fair and square!!


  6. Your sister dancing for Eden Prairie brings me back to my high school days when we used to compete against them as well. They have always been such an awesome dance team. Good for her and the team's progress to state!

  7. Yall have been busy! Yay for your sis. I knew they'd win kick. That video was amazing!

  8. haha your dinner conversations sound exactly like ours!

  9. The typical convo between you and your hubby sounds EXACTLY like ours! I LOVE the meal planning idea! I'm definitely going to try it out soon. Can't wait to see more of your meal plans!


  10. love the blog doll! can't wait to read more!
    stumbled onto your page while "blog" walking and thought i would say a little hello!

    newest follower! ♥
    follow back?

    hugs, xo!


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