Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Wedding Recap {The Families}

I have to admit, the one thing I was super worried about was making sure that all of our parents {we have 8 of them} felt important and special on our wedding day. I also wanted to make sure we had plenty of pictures with our families. Even though it was a long and not super-exciting part of the day, I am thrilled that we have these pictures with the people we love most. 

Jason's step-dad {Deward} and his mom {Lisa}

Jason with his mom, step-dad and sister Nicole.

The Whole Family! 

JJ and his favorite girls. :)

Brother and Sister!

My step-dad {Steve} and my mom {Paula}

The whole family--step-sister {Natalie}, brother {Nate}, parents and Groom! 

Me, my Mom and my Brother {The Three Muskateers}

Me and my MAMA! 

My baby brother {Hips & Flubbo McGee}

The whole Fawver Crew! J's brother {Travis}, J's sister {Ally} J's dad {Kevin}, J's step-mom {Judye}, Bride & Groom, J's sister {Nicole} and J's brother {Christopher}

Fawver Siblings

New In-Laws {and they've known me my WHOLE life!}

J and his Dad

My sister {Kara}, brother {Nate}, step-mom {Denise} and dad {Tom}

My baby brother and sister! Love them SO much!

My parentals.

Me and my dad!

One of my favorite pictures from the day:
Whew, told ya we have a lot of family! Looking back I wish we would have done a photo with the entire enormous family--all the parents and all the siblings--but I don't think SJ has a lens wide enough for that.

I also have to share one of  my favorite memories from the day. I asked my dad to come to International Market Square to pick up Jason and I to bring us to the church. There wasn't enough room in our limo for everyone and I really wanted to just have that time with my dad before the picture craziness. My dad came to IMS just as J and I were finishing our Bride & Groom photos. So I yelled down to him to stand outside the elevator.
My dad couldn't see me from where I was, so J and I rode down in the elevator together and when it opened my dad got to see me on my wedding day for the first time. It was a really special moment. My step-mom started bawling!

All photographs by Sara Jayne Photography


  1. Beautiful photos! You look so much like your mom, it's crazy! My one regret is that I didn't get enough family photos b/c at that time things got so hectic; I'm so jealous of all your family shots! Great memories:)

  2. Aw, I love that moment with your dad!
    Your moms dress is gorgeous by the way. So pretty!

  3. These are lovely! It looks like you did a fabulous job making sure everyone was included :) so special!

  4. You look so beautiful! Great pictures!

  5. YAY! :) As an honorary K and F... I have to say you have an amazing family! :)

  6. love all the photos!!! you were such a gorgeous bride! love the moment your dad saw you, how special. i remember my dad had tears which in turn made me tear up! my goodness, such an emotional, exciting day!!

  7. you both have such beautiful families! Your mom seriously looks so young! she is so pretty!

  8. SO beautiful and I love how classic the black bridesmaid dresses look...a friend of one said her mother always said that doing a dark color, especially black, for bridesmaid dress looks great in pictures and classic over time! Love your calla lilies too!

    Liesl :)

  9. Love these pictures! Your wedding dress was beautiful!



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