Thursday, February 9, 2012

Tell Me

I am once again linking up with Tracy from Then I Got To Thinking... for "Tell Me."
 I just love this idea! It's so fun having deeper and more personal blog topics. Not that posting about my wedding and new recipes isn't fun because it is and let's face it, that's what I love reading on other blogs but sometimes it's nice to open up a little more and in return learn more about my beloved blog friends. 

Anyways, on to the good stuff. Today's topic is 
"Tell Me...What's an experience you've had in your life that has made you learn something about yourself?"

There is a three year period of my life that clearly stands out as the time that I not only learned the most about myself but also learned the most in general, and it was the time that Coffee Buzz was open. 
To those of you newer followers, my husband and I owned a coffee shop, called Coffee Buzz. It took about a year and a half to plan and open the shop and then we were in business for another year and a half.  It was an independent coffee shop that we built from the ground up; the concept was ours, the name was ours, the design, menu and decor were all ours. 
During these three years I was challenged mentally, physically and emotionally. My relationship with my boyfriend/fiance were challenged {he proposed while the shop was open and we were married shortly after we closed} and my relationships with my family and friends were tested.

My daily life was completely different than that of anyone in my life, except my husband's. We worked 7 days a week for 13 hours a day, we were awake before sunrise every day and in the winter were home well after the sun went down. But, the business was ours. We met some of the most incredible people through Coffee Buzz and learned more than could ever be taught in books. 

What I learned from the ups and downs, stresses and milestones, excitement and disappointment, pride and heartbreak that came with opening and then closing Coffee Buzz is that everything happens for a reason and you'll never succeed if you don't try. 
For me personally, I learned that I am capable of way more than what I give myself credit for and also that failure is OK. The business didn't turn out how we'd all expected it to, but we did it.

What life experience taught you something about yourself?


  1. I love this. I loved the Buzz so much, and I love both of you even more! :)

  2. I loved reading this Kristin, you did what so many people wish they could do- follow their dream!

  3. What a cute looking shop! It reminds me a the coffee shop back home I use to go to everyday! Such an inspirational story!!

    You two must be so proud of yourselves! :)

  4. So so cool Kristen :-) You will ALWAYS have the memories and the things you learned while Coffee Buzz was open! How many people can say that?

  5. That's amazing... I remember reading about it - but didn't realize everything you two put into it. I am sure it was a trying time, with being so busy and having so much on your plate you both probably learned a lot about yourselves and each other! Thank you so much for linking up :) Love reading and learning more about you!!

  6. You have such a great attitude about it all! It was definitely something you learned from and I'm sure was a great experience.

  7. I was so sad when you told us it closed because I really wanted to go there someday. Did you guys save and memorabilia (sp?)?

  8. It's amazing and so inspiring that you guys had it - I would definitely have been there!

  9. :D i'm seriously so amazed that you and J ran the store together, it's such a huge accomplishment

  10. Visiting from Tracy's link up! This is great! I love that you guys took a risk and worked so hard at something. Think of all the lessons that you learned while being there. Love it!


  11. I love this idea. I am just starting my blog and might steal this idea, if that's okay! It is a great way for reader's to get to know the blogger!

  12. WOW, awesome way to end your blog with such dignity! Love You!

  13. Thanks for sharing that! How come you had to close? So many places here are shut down due to Starbucks being everywhere

  14. Such an awesome post! I, too, love these deeper blog topics. Really gives me a chance to think and clear my head.

    I also love that quote by Marilyn... so fitting to your situation, too!

    Have a great day!


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