Thursday, March 8, 2012



That was such a tough decision but I am so excited that this blog is private and back to being strictly about ME! 

It feels great! I can't wait to get back in to the swing of blogging after a very long hiatus! I have so much fun stuff to catch everyone up on! 

So, thanks for still wanting to read and I hope you'll continue to AND leave me some love down there in that pretty little comment area! 


  1. Yay! Cannot wait to see updates in my feed. :)

  2. Horray! Thanks for the invite! Can't wait to hear what's been going on!

  3. I made the cut! score :) haha, OH and I finally got off my tush and started a blog. SO, I don't have to be a creepy random follower anymore. yay! You can actually know a bit about me :) the link is in my "account profile" or whatever.

  4. Does anyone know if there's a way to get private blogs to show up in your google reader? I follow a couple and I can't figure out how and have to remember to go to the actual site to read. Thanks in advance!

  5. Thanks for the invite! Can't wait to hear all your exciting news!

  6. Good for you! I'm so glad I still get to follow along! xoxo

  7. Yay :)!! I might just have to start back myself!

  8. Aww good! I'm glad you feel better about your blog now and I can't wait to continue reading =)

  9. Yippee! Added you to my iPhone home screen too :-)

  10. Congrats! So happy that you made the decision and started up again. I was thinking of starting a blog myself, I just need to make the commitment

  11. so excited! - glad you are getting back to it =)

  12. Thank you so much for sending me an invite, girlie!!

    I think this is something a lot of people struggle with, and I think it is so cool that you took the leap to Private :)

    Hope you had a great weekend!

  13. Yah! I'm in! AND sorry to everyone else BUT I'm your biggest fan!

  14. Wait, your private? How am I still able to see, or did you add me? I'm confused! Fill me in! :)

  15. Ha Ha- I agree with Nicole, I'm confused!


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