Monday, March 19, 2012

This Weekend...

Happy Monday party people! I am in a shockingly wonderful mood this morning despite the crazay allergies that have invaded my head and eyes and nose. 

This weekend was a busy one. 

Friday night husby and I stayed in, grilled steak kabobs and watched an insane amount of college basketball. It was bliss...for those of you who don't know, March Madness is like Christmas at our house. AND WHAT GREAT GAMES! Holy smokes, Lehigh beating Duke? Can't get better than that! 

Saturday, my sweet husband joined me at work to help me and my boss do some final assembly and set up for the Wedding Fair. It was so sweet of him to help us and in return I sober-cabbed his green ass around for St. Paddy's Day. 
We spent St. Paddy's downtown St. Paul with our friends. It was CRAY. They were estimating that there were 100,000 people downtown...and I don't doubt it. I had to wait 26 minutes to go to the bathroom! And while I was LOVING the 80 degree weather, I was not loving the crowd of drunks while I was stone-cold sober. Thankfully, my husband loves me {but more truthfully, loves basketball} so he was more than fine with bailing a little early to head to Champps to watch basketball.

Sunday, my boss and I were at the Wedding Fair. Since starting my new job in September I have been helping to create a stationery side to our business. We named it Paper Event and the plan is to specialize in wedding invitations. Speaking of, if you are on twitter or facebook pretty, pretty please follow or "like" Paper Event! 

Anyways, three times a year there is a HUGE Wedding Fair downtown Minneapolis and this was our first time with a booth. 
The fair went GREAT! It was a really long day but we got a ton of interest and had the opportunity to talk to A LOT of brides, a lot of which seemed super excited and interested to meet with us. I'm really proud of all the hard work we put in to the show and I am praying that we get business out of it to warrant all the long days. 

I hope you all had great weekends and enjoy your Monday. 



  1. Looks so fun! I know what you mean about being the sober one in a crowd of drunks though...but I try to at least get in a few laughs at how ridiculous they are!

    P.S. Thanks for doing the email thing - I was missing your new posts for a little while!

  2. Looks like a fun weekend :-) We thought about going over to St Paul too but I just HAAAAATE huge crowds :-P Your booth looks so pretty and glad it went well!

  3. love Jason's outfit HAHA! Hilarious! I'm so glad to see a new post girly :) It seriously may be 95 degrees when you guys come here in May so I need to "stay in" more often on Fridays nights and not booze my way through this spring... did you watch the bucks?! :)

  4. So glad you guys came out, at least for a bit! :)

    The booth looks great! I hope it went super well and you get a ton of crazy ass brides to work with!!

  5. Looks like a great weekend! So happy the show went well. :)

  6. Sounds like a busy weekend! I'm glad you're emailing us with new posts now, I kept forgetting to check for new ones since you've gone private!

  7. How sweet of your hubby to join you at work and help you set everything up! Sounds like you had a FUN St. Patty's Day too downtown and great weather too! Hope you are having a Marvelous Monday too! :)

  8. AHHH i am finally seeing your blog!! hahah damn that took a while!!

    i love that husby helped u at work! he looks so cute in his lil get-up! GOSHHH i just cant wait to meet u

    reading about the wedding fair makes me want to go to one...ummmm KURT!?!?

    glad to be bacck at your blog!


  9. Sounds like a busy but fun weekend! I totally hear ya on the drunks thing. Nothing worse than a drunk when your sober LOL!


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