Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Wedding Recap {The Ceremony}

First our parents came down the aisle. 
Then my mom and Jason's mom lit our candles, that we later used to light our Unity Candle. 

Then it was time for the wedding party to head down the aisle....

Our little sisters Kara and Ally, then Ryan and Courtney
Jeff and Christina then Seth and Natalie

And finally, it was my turn. That moment, standing outside the closed doors with my dad is one I'll never forget. My dad whispered...."Ready Kid?" 
When the doors opened and all of my family and friends were there, looking at me and standing, I couldn't help but say, "Holy Crap." Thankfully only people in the last few pews heard me. 
When we headed down the aisle I just locked eyes with Jason. I knew if I looked around and saw the faces of all my favorite people I would absolutely LOSE it.
One of my favorites:
Somehow we made it to the alter in one piece.

Then it was time for the ceremony to start. The whole thing was such a blur. I cannot wait to see our video because I really don't remember much of what was said.

We had readings from our friend Sharisse and J's step-mom Judye. It was really special because we asked each of them to choose their own readings. So we got to hear it for the first time during the ceremony. It was really cool and really meaningful. 

Then it was time to exchange our vows: 

When it came time to exchange rings, our Pastor dropped my ring as our Best Man, Colin, was handing it to him. It ended up being pretty hilarious and was a nice ice breaker....it's so serious up there and you're nervous and emotional so it was nice to have something unplanned to lighten the mood. I love this series of photos from when the ring was dropped. You can see Colin saying "It wasn't my fault!"

Once we were all regrouped we exchanged rings
And then they were blessed. 

Our Pastor was awesome and suggested we incorporate a tradition from my religion, Greek Orthodox. So we chose to do the "Common Cup." It's basically a chalice with wine and we each drink from it three times to signify that we are unified and indivisible and have equal share in the cup of life. 

Then we light our Unity Candle

Next our dear friends Bruce and Robyn sang on of my all time favorite songs, Falling Slowly. 
If you haven't seen our Wedding Trailer yet...watch this...the music is a live recording of Bruce & Robyn from the ceremony. 

Next was the marriage blessing.

And finally, it was time to seal the deal with the FIRST KISS! 

My favorite picture of me & Jason from our day: FINALLY Mr. and Mrs.

All photographs by Sara Jayne Photography


  1. I love the look on your face as you are about to walk down the aisle, you are so happy and confident!

  2. Love all these pictures! These make me want to put on my wedding gown again to take snap shots. :)

  3. Ahhh I love your ceremony pictures! And your wedding video! Such great memories!!!

  4. ahh I love all these pictures! sooo beautiful!

  5. I love reliving your day. Such a beautiful couple inside and out. xoxo m

  6. It seems so long ago. Fun to relive the moments!

  7. WELL I CAN FINALLY comment on this post hahaha! :) I LOVE your wedding video! You were such a gorgeous bride, and I am NOT just saying that because I love you to the moon and back and we're kind of real life best friends - well through out phone but HONEY CHILD, you already love me....just wait until the flesh deal. XOXOXO hope work is going EXTRA BUSSSY for ya!

  8. Look how gorgeous you are! Also, loving some of the classic shots from the back with the veil and everything, and in black and white! Lovely video too, and the song from the wedding...LOVE it!!! WOW! :)

  9. Your trailer video literally gave me chills. What an amazing video to have for memories. I can't believe how amazingly it was put together! I was almost in tears! And you looked absolutely stunning...Who did you contact to get that made??

  10. I love that you incorporated certain traditions for each of you... And again, you look absolutely stunning!

  11. "Ready Kid"....aww that melted my heart :)

  12. "Ready Kid"....aww that melted my heart :)

  13. Stunning!!! Love the ring drop. At our wedding my hubby was called the wrong name!

  14. Obsessed with your Wedding Trailer. So good.


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