Thursday, March 22, 2012

Well that was a waste of time...

So as you all know this little bloggy of mine recently went private. I was in a blogging funk and was super disappointed in the blog-world as well as a little creeped out that I had NO idea who was reading this blog. 

Turns out having a private blog is a huge pain in the ass--clearly blogger wants you to have your blog public because they make it about as painful as it could be to get that shiz private. On top of that I was having to email my readers every day because the blog no longer showed up in reader. 

Needless to say it got to the point where I decided I either needed to be public or just stop blogging, it was just too annoying to be private. 

SO, here I am. PUBLIC, again

Sorry for being so bipolar about this...but look on the no longer have to receive annoying emails from me! 

You may notice a very similar post over at The Beeb's blog Life, Love and Puppy Prints...well, if you haven't figured it out by now, Carolyn and I do everything together. We talk on gchat the ENTIRE day and if you think we haven't given this blog nonsense A LOT of collective thought, than you've got another thing coming. Anyways, The Beebs are back to drive you all nuts!

You're welcome. 


  1. Haha, I told Carolyn the same thing - It's a shame that Blogger makes it [and pretty much everything else] so annoying. BUT, I'm glad you at least decided to come back public instead of dropping off the bloggy world altogether! :)

  2. Welcome back Miss! I am excited to be able to follow your blog again. I found you from Carolyn's blog and she's one of my absolute FAVS!

    looking forward to the BEEB shenanigans!!!


  3. Yay! I agree, Blogger makes it hard for you to go private!

  4. Glad you aren't private ;) that first pic of you is cute, you are one pretty lady!! Hope you are having a great week despite our icky weather.

  5. I was wondering why you suddenly showed up in my reader again :) Welcome back lady! I agree - blogging privately seems like a pain in the butt!

  6. Omigosh. You girls are too funny ;-) But glad you're "back" If anyone tries to mess with you or gets all creepy or suddenly you have a stalker... well we'll all be here to protect you both ;-D

  7. Hah well glad to see that you're still going to blog!!

  8. I'm glad you two are both back! I found your blog through Carolyn's and had only just started following along when you went private... I'm glad its much easier now :)

    Ps- GChat is basically the best thing to ever happen!

  9. I've thought about going private in the past, but I have never tried it. I'm glad you posted about it. Blogger can be a pain in the booty sometimes! Having a public blog creeps me out too, but I just try to keep a lot of my info private -- like my last name, name of my town, etc. It amazes me what a lot of people share on their blog -- I guess I'm just a worry wart though! Ha!

  10. I'm in where ever you are! And I follow Beebs. You have such a great group of Bloggers and ya all can stick together. There are a few more followers I told you about that will log on now and they are not creepy just admire you and your life and would like to follow. BUT you let DIL know, he'll handle it Texas style.

  11. I've heard going private is a real pain. Glad you're back, but I would have followed no matter what!

  12. WOO WOO!!

    so glad! its weird because al of a sudden last night i saw a zillion posts from you all at once in my dashboard reader thing!



  13. Too funny! Glad to have you still blogging private or not, but I I've seen on Blogger with other private blogs that it can be hard to see them even once your've followed the invite list, etc...I tell ya! ;) Anywho, welcome back to the public side of blogland! :) Off to check out The Beeb's blog now! Yay!

  14. Welcome back! so funny - I had no idea you and Carolyn were friends in real life! Such a small blog world!

  15. sorry going private didn't work out, but i'm SO HAPPY you decided not to stop blogging altogether

  16. I am with you either way. Nope you cannot shake me. Glad you found your way. xoxo m


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