Wednesday, March 21, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday

On this wonderful Wednesday morning I am loving...

 ...that it is my little brother's 23rd birthday! And we're going out to lunch! 
Happy Birthday Pie! 

...The Hunger Games comes out on FRIDAY!

WHOOOOOOOP! SOOOOOOOOOOO PUMPED! The Beeb and I bought our tickets and I seriously CANNOT wait until 10:50 on Friday night. 

..this weather! Spring has sprung SUPER early in Minnie and I could not be happier about it!
Ok, I realize it doesn't look all that impressive in this forecast but considering the average temp in March is mid 30's and there is a minimum of 12 inches of snow on the ground the 60s-70s is a dream come true!

...Smash! I wasn't sold on the first episode but I stuck with it and I'm so glad I did. I love it! And it's getting so juicy!


Of course I am loving this girl....

...and this boy


  1. Soooo excited for Hunger games too! I'm waiting for my gf in a week to go so don't tell me about it!! ;) I'm sure it's going to be amazing!

  2. I can't for Hunger Games! My mom and I have tickets for Saturday morning.
    Also, I agree with you on Smash, I wasn't loving it at first but now I'm hooked!!

  3. OMG. Seriously. Friday can't come soon enough!!!!!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. We are having the same weather in PA and I am loving every minute of it!

  5. I'm hoping to see The Hunger Games this weekend too!! Hope you girls have FUN!! And isn't this weather the best? Smash is my new OBSESSION. Love it.

  6. Happy birthday to your brother!! Have fun. :D

    We're going to the Hunger Games on Sunday, CANNOT WAIT.

  7. LOVE SMASH!!!
    and super jealous that you're going to see the hunger games this weekend, i wanna go so bad but don't have time :(

  8. Well Happy Birthday to Nate! Got the date right this time. I enjoy everything about your blog. I cried again seeing your wedding recap, because seriously it was the most beautiful wedding I have ever seen including my own! Glad all is going well! LOVE YOU, J & BAILEY MAE!

  9. Surprisingly I love everything on your love list too! Remembering Pie day today and what a wonderful big sissy you are. Looks like you have a new follower! ;) xoxo m

  10. So cute ! And happy birthday !! Loved your pictures !

  11. reallllyyy need to read those books. I keep saying "soon" but "soon" I'll be studying for the bar. SO I suppose it really must be SOON. I feel out of the bandwagon..

    Also- your blog just miraculously popped back up in google reader?! not sure what the deal is but I hope it stays!

  12. So excited for Hunger Games!!

  13. I'm loving SMASH too...and what an adorable picture of you and your hubby! :)

  14. Happy Birthday to your brother! Hope you all have a great evening :)

    Spring has Sprung here in KY too!!!!
    Our temps have been in the 80's. It's unbelievable.

  15. I am soo excited for Hunger Games!! And I love Smash too... I hope it's doing well with ratings- it's like my new fave show!


    omg i cant wait. im going saturday afternoon and i literally am dancing in my seat as i type this

    OH...and smash? fantastic...i want to sing. actually i want to BE kathrine mcphee

    MUAH! glad i am reading this and was invited to busy bee VIP reading!!


  17. i can't wait to see THG, but I think i'm going to wait a few weeks for the craze to die down before seeing it in theatres.

  18. How did I never get into the Hunger Games? Clearly there is something wrong with me. Hope brother bear had a good birthday,there's nothing like those little brothers, huh?

  19. I know I am late...but Happy belated bday to your brother!

    OH and I am dying to see Hunger Games! I cannot believe I have not seen it yet.

    XO Lourdes


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