Friday, April 6, 2012

Bloggers Beware

We all love Pinterest, I mean, how can you not? It’s such a brilliant site and an amazing way to find new and creative ideas for all assets of your life. 
Not to mention some of the stuff is just straight funny. 
story of my life

You may or may not already know this but there is a way to look on Pinterest and see what has been pinned from your blog. 

The Beeb figured this out yesterday and of course looked up hers and then mine. She was appalled when she found some of my wedding photos had been pinned by a complete stranger under the board “Your Wedding is Tacky.”

I will say that everyone has a right to their opinion. And by me blogging and sharing my wedding and the rest of my life publicly I am voluntarily taking the risk that people may not like what they see, I get that and I’m OK with it.


This girl knows nothing about me or my wedding and for whatever reason had quite a lot to say about some of my wedding photos taken at the stadium (none of which were nice, I might add).
This person has an entire board (with nearly 300 pins) devoted to making fun of other people’s weddings.

I will admit, I have seen plenty of wedding photos where I’ve thought “Oh, how tacky?” or “Why would anyone do that?” But they were THOUGHTS! I would NEVER save them and share them and add rude commentary to them.

A person’s wedding is an incredible and sacred day in their lives. What makes weddings so special is that no two are the same. I personally think the sign of a GREAT wedding is not the budget or the glitz and glam but is one that truly honors and highlights the couple and their love for each other.

I’m not going to go on a tangent and defend myself or my wedding, because I know I don't need to, but I will say that my wedding was the best day of my life. I have never felt more beautiful or more loved. Our time at the stadium is a memory I will cherish forever because that place has great meaning to me and Jason, we were surrounded by our best friends and we were having a blast…if that’s tacky, then FINE, I am tacky.

And not to be a brat...but call this tacky:
Just Married and the happiest we've ever looked!
Let me also add that I absolutely adore my friends. My Beeb,Caroyln, for getting just as mad about this, if not more. My love, Jess, who always knows just what to say…. “Your wedding does not belong on a board with smurfs and mullets.” And, my dear friend and wedding photographer, Sara, who had some rather choice words which cannot be shared! 

Anyways, initially I wanted to write a super snarky post defending myself but I realized that I AM classy and I don't need to bash other people to feel good about myself. 

So, instead my point is this:

The internet is filled with tons of great ideas, information and inspiration but it's also filled with lots of hate. So as bloggers, please be mindful of what you are putting out there and also where it is ending up. But even more importantly, think about what you're saying or writing whether it's in a post, in a comment, on twitter or anywhere else...something you may think is funny may be mean and hurtful to someone else.

Since originally writing this post my photos have been removed from the board (yes, I contacted Pinterest--I was THAT upset) and I have also received two apology e-mails from the pinner. While I am still hurt by the things that were written, I believe her apologies were sincere and I forgive her. I just hope that she (and everyone else who reads this) thinks about how their words can effect other people.  

ps. make sure to check out Caroline's blog (Simply Smithwick) today! I'm guest posting!

Have a great weekend lovers!


  1. How horrible that this happened to you and what a terrible person to do something like that! I mean, they're obviously crazy because your wedding is one of the most beautiful ones I've ever seen! Don't let it get to you - and I'm totally doing this for my own blog tonight! Have a good weekend beautiful!!!

  2. Oh my word, that is horrible! Your wedding photos are gorgeous and that person is just plain crazy. I'm so glad you notified pinterest and they were removed!

  3. Wow, what a jerk someone must be to dedicate a pinterest board to that. I saw someone the other day with a board called "you thought that was cute?!" and it was making fun of others clothing choices.

    Sad that people are so mean! And hey, if you're tacky, I am too because I just comment about how much I LOVED all your stadium pictures :)

  4. I'm so glad we found this and got it all fixed!!!! :)

  5. Why are girls so catty? Your wedding was beautiful, shake them haters off ;)

  6. I'm glad you were able to get them removed. Your wedding was beautiful so whatev let the haters hate!

  7. I am so glad you were able to get them removed! I think your wedding was beautiful from the photos I've seen on the bloggidy!

    I'm both glad and scared that you shared how to look that up on pinterest. I looked up and saw that photos from my friends' kids birthday parties had been pinned. Thankfully it was all positive, but makes you think about what you're posting...

  8. That is horrible! And soo rude! Some people just have no class. And I'm proud of how you handled it! Good for you!

  9. Girl I am SO pissed for you and utterly shocked. When I saw your wedding pictures I thought it looked stunning and in absolutely NO WAY tacky. Haters gonna hate. Ugh so rude!

  10. Ummmmm ewwww that lady is tacky for making a board ragging on other people! Seriously how rude?!?! She must not have her own wedding to plan!

    I know I just met you but that burns my buttons too! your wedding pictures are gorgeous and last time I checked it's YOUR day. I don't agree with all wedding themes but hey, it's NOT my wedding.

    I'm sure people will think pink throw up the day I get married. But hey, my name is pinky and I LOVE the color!

    Glad you got an apology.

    Happy friday!

  11. UM HELLO I DO BELIEVE me and miss Erica were ALSO raging pissed about this in group chat?!?!?! Now we are fighting!!! ;) jk

    Glad she apoligized! what did she say I'm curious? sorry I'm tacky and pin other peoples weddings to make fun of them?

  12. Frankly my dear she is a jealous bitch. It was a beautiful wedding from start to finish. I've been around a long time and someone like that is not happy with their own life! You rock and rule! LOVE YOU!

  13. First, that URL is awesome. Thank you for sharing. Second, I'm sorry for having that happen to you. People can be mean and it's unfair. It seems like you've taken it very well (because lord knows I'd be falling off the handle telling this person what's up). I'm glad you contacted Pinterest and she apologized! What did she have to say anyways? Third, your wedding was gorgeous! Tacky? Is she blind?

  14. I'm sorry, but her "Your wedding is tacky" pinboard is tacky! Your wedding was gorgeous!

  15. I'm a new follower! I loved your guest post at Simply Smithwick. We went to El Dorado Royale Spring 2009 and had a blast! Loved reading all your recaps. I really wish I was there now!

  16. Wow, there was nothing tacky about your wedding at all!! Some people are just jealous. Glad she sent you an apology!

  17. Wow! The things people do to feel better about themselves. I am sorry that this happened. Thanks for sharing that URL. I am going to have to go check it out! Glad everything is fixed now!

  18. That is absolutely awful. I am disgusted. Your wedding looked beautiful, and based on her pin board, this girl lacks a lot of class. So should she really be talking about 'tacky'?

  19. What an insecure sad person to need to make a board like that. Wow. She also has a really warped definition of tacky

  20. Oh wow, that is crazy! I thought Pinterest was to pin things we liked, not things we didn't. Why would she even make a board like that? Makes no sense!!

  21. I'm sure you're sick of hearing from me now, but I just wanted to write one more appology for the world to hear, or at least your avid and supportive readers :)

    I AM SORRY and I can't believe I turned into one of those people. Someone I never said I would; someone who makes fun of others for simple amusement. It's awful and definitely not worth a couple giggles.

    As a blogger myself, I've always thought how wonderful the blogging world is. I've only met supportive and inspirational people. Usually when someone doesn't have anything nice to say, they just don't say anything at all. I don't know when or why I decided to break this rule, but I truly regret it and am sorry for the hurt I caused.

    Kristin, I don't know you other than the email we exchanged, but I am truly impressed with your maturity and composure; two virtues I must work on.

  22. wow. i can't believe that. my wedding was pinned too and peeps thought the color of my bm dresses were ugly. lol.

    good for you to get an apology! i thought your wedding was fabulous!!


  23. Really like your blog!
    A wonderful post!

    Have you got an account in instagram?
    If yes, write me your name!

  24. I'm glad that you got them removed and got an apology!!

  25. Wow thats crazy sad. Glad you had them removed, and your right, hopefully people think before writing mean things.

  26. What the crap. I just got on here and saw this. That is sad, sad, sad. Glad you guys figured that out.

    That link doesn't work anymore. To see if stuff has been pinned. Did Pinterest take it down?

  27. Oh my gosh how can anyone say your wedding was tacky? It was gorgeous! I would have reported it too! That's good she apoligized. Sorry to hear that happend.. what a shame, hopefully she learned her lesson!

  28. Oh, I have to add--- the night of my wedding two girls that we invited were heard talking crap about our wedding! My friend peeked out her hotel room door and heard them talking all this bad stuff about our wedding. I couldn't believe it! Needless to say, I don't really talk to them anymore. :(

  29. WHOAH. You got an apology email from her?? Wow. And what is hilarious is... As she is calling someone else's MOST IMPORTANT day TACKY, her behavior is the MOST TACKY of all!! Gah. Some people...

  30. Get over it. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

  31. sad, i LOVE pinning and i only pin things i LOVE. good post- and you had such a BEAUTIFUL wedding- i have mentioned that a bajillion times to you already- so... anyway, glad you took action and the "pinner" apologized.


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