Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Weekend

This past weekend was an amazing one. 

Friday night Jason and I spent some quality couple time together. We went to a little restaurant in St. Paul that Jason's co-workers had recommended called  The Little Oven. It's just a small hole-in-the-wall place with INCREDIBLE food! They're known for their pizza but the pasta looked pretty incredible so we compromised and shared one of each. 
It was SO much food, but SO good! We still haven't finished all the leftovers. 

Saturday morning we went up north to visit Jason's mom and step-dad. The own a ton of property and since it was such a beautiful day we spent most of it outside with all their animals.

Then we went in to town for a meat raffle, and of course, Jason won....a giant ham!
We ended up giving the ham to the Mayor of Bock...LONG story. It was a quick trip but it was great to go up for the day and spend some quality time with the in-laws. 

Saturday night, Jason and I pulled out mattress downstairs to camp in the living room {one of my absolute favorite things that we do}.
We snuggled up and watched my boyfriend Leo in Inception {man I love that movie!} But the best part was eating some yummy cookies with milk!
My amazing mama sent me these homemade Koulourakia (Greek cookie typically made during Easter) from Arizona! They are my absolute favorite cookies and it was such a fabulous surprise! 

Easter morning Jason and I got up and went to church. It's always so fun going back to the church where we were married. 
After church we went to our favorite restaurant, Tony's Diner {where we had our Groom's Dinner} and had brunch. Tony makes THE BEST blueberry pancakes in town!

After brunch we went to Jason's Aunt and Uncle's house. Jason has an ENORMOUS family and it's always so much fun when everyone gets together. 
{that's only about half of them}

Jay & Kerry {Jason's Aunt & Uncle} have a gorgeous house on a beautiful lake. So we had some fun riding the lawnmower (not actually mowing the lawn) and spending some time by the water. 

It was an wonderfully blessed weekend filled with lots of family and lots of food. 

I hope you all enjoyed your holiday and are having a great start to your week!


  1. Looks like a super fun time! Those pancakes look amazeballs!


  2. the minute you said "st. paul" and "restaurant" and I DIDN'T know what one it was I was intrigued! and I love me some pizza! M and I will have to check that out soon... where is that??

  3. Fun weekend! Love the camp out idea. What a fun way to spend time with the hubby!

  4. Looks like a great weekend! I giggle every time you write about Bock, its such a small place and I know a lot of people from out there :) Such a small world!!!

  5. What a great weekend! I think it's so cute how you camp out in the living room and watch movies. awww

  6. What a great weekend! My husband and I camp out in the living room every now and then too! I love it and look forward to it!

  7. Looks like a great weekend. Fred and I camped out once in our den, but we haven't done it again. Maybe we should.

  8. I see horses! I love themmmmm!! The fort thing in the fam room is genius we lovee it too. so fun. Glad you had an EGGY easter lady ;) mu hahahahahaha

  9. OMG! I love love love the Little Oven! They have a buy one get one free deal on their carryout pizzas... SO YUMMY!! :)

  10. Love the camp out! So fun, Looks perfect!!

  11. I love the idea of camping in the living room- I'm total stealing that idea once we get our own place!

  12. Looks like such a wonderful time!
    Camping on a mattress in the living room is one of my fave things to do too :)

  13. AHHHH I love that you put the mattress in the living room and camp out! We are soooooooo going to do this!

  14. all of your holidays always look like the best time

  15. It sounds like y'all had a nice weekend! I love that you camped in your living room! :)

  16. I need to experience The Little Oven. One of my co-workers talks about it all the time. Also, I have that same duvet cover :)

  17. i LOVE the little oven- such a yummy place! :)


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