Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Look At Me, I'm Colorful!

I have been receiving tons of grief from Katie & Jess about the lack of color in my wardrobe....
...OK, they're right. I really don't wear color. I always try to add a little color here or there but when I am shopping I am always attracted to the blacks and grays of the world. 

BUT, with the introduction of Pinterest and the start of spring I decided to step out of my comfort zone and add a splash {just a tiny splash} of color in to my life. 

Exhibit A: purple top from Old Navy

Exhibit B: Tank from Heartbreaker

Exhibit C: Bright Blue skinnies from Heartbreaker
and yes I take my shoes off at work and get comfy.

I also got a gray sweater, a white tank and a black and white swimsuit....but all you color lovers should be hella proud and impressed that I not only added color to my closet but am actually wearing these out of the house. 

Baby steps people! Baby steps. 


  1. So proud Beebs! :) I've seen two out of the three, and I love them both! :)

  2. I'm drawn to more neutral tones too! Of course I'm also drawn to stripes and no clue why. I like that sequin looking tank, seriously cute :)

  3. I'm always drawn to blacks and greys, too. I love your new stuff!

  4. LOVe that heartbracker tank! So cute!

  5. CUUUUTE outfits!! LOVE that purple top on you, looks great! I too love gray sososososo much, but I also love color too ;-) Baby steps!!

  6. love love that tank! and I am guilty about taking my shoes off at work I wish it was normal to walk around without them!

  7. Nice work! Love that purple shirt on you!

  8. I'm just like you! I have a ton of color, but rarely wear it. The things you've picked out look great.

  9. I have the opposite problem as you. I have a ton of colors, but it's hard to mix them up and accessorize, because I don't have a lot of neutrals.

  10. hey at least you arent in all black all the time! I love that you wear a lot of patterns

  11. hahaha look at you! so fancy! :) I think you look beautiful in both the coral and purple! seriously!! so FRESH xoxxo haha

  12. Love this! I tend to gravitate towards blacks/greys/whites too. :) But I'm getting better!

  13. I especially love that purple ON shirt! I am alllwayyys wearing black, white, gray and navy. I do have a lot of jewelry in fun colors that I mix in, but I def need to branch out in my wardrobe!

  14. Cute! I love the bright blue and color looks great on you!

  15. I am the same way... Most of my closet is black, grey, and white. It's kind of sad!

    i always try to add color with accessories, though!

    XO Lourdes

  16. Color! What?? Loving the new tops. You wear color well. xo m

  17. yay! i wear a TON of color. i just flock to it.

  18. love your outfits :) you are so pretty :)


  19. I always used to be a black and grey girl as well but I have ventured out to colors now! I am loving your new additions.

  20. you look AHHMAAAZING!!! sooo gorgeous kristin!!

    i love the purple...legit. I cant get away with purple AT ALL but look at you go! awww yah!!

    xoxoox MUAH

  21. haha I need to experiment with color too! Everything I own is black, white or blue!


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