Friday, April 20, 2012

Let the Chaos Begin

I apologize for being MIA this week. 

This time of year is always the busiest time of year for my family. My dad runs a competitive AAU basketball program and we run two tournaments a year, one of which is this weekend. 

The amount of time, energy and preparation that goes in to these tournaments is tremendous. My dad works SO hard to make these events a success and in return our whole family (and the Beeb) work like dogs to make sure everything goes off without a hitch. 

For those of you basketball fans...coaches Bill Self and John Calipari were a couple of MANY college coaches in attendance recruiting last year. Kelly & Jess, did your heads just explode? :)

Anyways, I know this is a ridiculously dumb and pointless post, but I just wanted my dear friends to know why I have been hardcore slacking on the blog front. 

And also to think of me this weekend while you're relaxing, because I will be running around like a crazy person ALL. WEEKEND. LONG. 



  1. Can't wait for the chaos to start! :)

  2. Whaaaaaa!! We'll be down in KS this weekend, but next year?? Put ME to work!! I'll work for you just to see a glimpse of my fave coach ;-D Have a great weekend!!

  3. eeee you go girl! you're gonna handle alll chaos just fabulously !!!

    ok so im really i type this comment, because i scrolled down a little, to my right I see a pic of hubs and it says My Honey...and below it says our BayBee...and i JUST put 2 and 2 together with the BEE theme. WAH im kind of stupid at times but omg I LOVE IT! thats fantasticly clever!!! :-)

    lovers you!

  4. Hope you get some downtime soon girl!


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