Monday, April 23, 2012

Oh, Just a Lil Surprise!

On Friday March 2nd I was driving home from work so excited for the weekend because I had a special date planned for Jason. I had rented a cabin in Northern Minnesota and booked a wine tasting at the resort. For some strange reason (a reason I now know was God) I felt this sudden urge to take a pregnancy test. I remember thinking to myself “if by some off chance I am pregnant I don’t want to spend the whole weekend drinking.” So I got home around 4:30pm and took a test. I had two leftover from a previous post-honeymoon scare—turns out eating and drinking non-stop for 6 days in a foreign country gives you very similar symptoms to pregnancy.

Anyways, I took the test and immediately saw two pink lines.
I really wish I could remember my exact reaction, but seeing as Bailey was the only one with me and she doesn’t speak I will never truly know how coo-coo the next 60 minutes were.

The first thing I did upon seeing the double line was run downstairs to the computer to google what caused a false positive…turns out, not a lot. But, one culprit was an expired test, which just had to be it. I ran back upstairs, checked the test: Expires May 2013. I then proceed to chug two full glasses of water and take the second test: two pink lines.

This is where I really lost it. I throw Bailey in the car and the two of us run to Walgreens and purchase two more pregnancy tests (two different brands, I might add) and a Vitamin Water. I chug the Vitamin Water on the car ride home and promptly take the next two tests, one of which displayed a plus sign and the other:
One of the few things I do remember about all of this (because I am very confident I blacked out) was standing in the bathroom looking in the mirror and thinking “I’m pregnant.”
Then I got dizzy and had to sit down.

I called Jason who was on his way home from work and as calmly as possible said “when will you be home?” He was stopping at his dad’s to get firewood, so I knew it would be a while.

After about 20 minutes of not being able to stand it any longer I called him again and more frantically asked him when he would be home. He was just minutes away, so I told him to come right inside when he got home (opposed to unloading the firewood—which makes him sound like a lumberjack,  but he’s not) to which he responded,
“You’re creepy.”

Finally after what felt like an eternity of sitting in the dark and staring at the wall (no joke, that’s what I did), Jason came home. I met him at the door, grabbed his hand and said,
“I need to show you something.”
After leading him up to the bathroom it didn’t take long for him to see the four positive pregnancy tests lined up on the counter.

Everything from here once again goes dark. I know he didn’t say anything, so I began to yell at him to say something, and then I’m pretty sure I lost it. I cried in his chest saying things similar to…
“I’m not ready.”
“It’s too soon.”
“I’m scared.”
“We just got married.”

I won’t lie, I had a panic attack. But then my darling husband calmed me down (as he always does) simply by saying,
“Toot, this is our chance.”

Since being diagnosed with endometriosis in high school I have had a constant fear of not being able to conceive. Though it was sooner than I had planned and though I may not be entirely ready, God has a plan and He believes that Jason and I are ready for a baby and not only that, I am able to conceive and that by itself is the greatest blessing.


  1. Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you guys!!

  2. Ahhh! I'm so happy for you. God knew you guys were ready, congrats!!

  3. KRISTIN!!!
    I am so so so sooooo excited for you!!! yall are gonna have one beauuuutiful baby :) :) and a wonderful anniversary present ;)
    God has a plan for you!! congratulations pretty!
    love you!!

  4. New reader to your blog....Just wanted to say Congrats! How exciting!

  5. CHILLS among CHILLS reading this post from you, sissybelle :) THIS IS ya'lls chance - LOVE how he worded that, you two are amazing!! Keeping you and that baby bean in my prayers. God has perfect timing, always. It's meant to be now :) Shoot, you're not getting anything but older haha I LOVE YA to pieces!!!!!!!! Now let's all shop!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just promise me you won't be one of those who doesn't want to know...I need to shop for that baby. xoxoxoxoxo YOU'RE PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. CONGRATUALATIONS! What an exciting time for you guys!

  7. Oh my my my congrats sweet girlie! That is so excited! God has a plan, you are more ready than you know!


  8. Awwwww!! YAY!! Congratulations! :) You are so right, God's timing is perfect. He knows exactly what He's doing. You're in great hands :) You guys are going to be great parents and you are gonna have one beautiful baby! :)

  9. Ahhhh CONGRATULATIONS honey!!! I'm so so so so excite for you and I know you guys will be great parents!!!

  10. How exciting?! Congratulations! God has His timing for everything, and I am sure it will be perfect :)

  11. how freaking exciting!! congratulations! this must be so thrilling, exciting, and scary. i'm so happy for you! the timing will be just fine, it's in His plan.

  12. Yay!!! Congrats!!! I'm so happy for you two. Can't wait to read all bout the amazing journey!!!

  13. I love when God gives us strong feelings! :) So glad you took the pregnancy test! CONGRATS!

  14. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH this is THE BEST NEWS EVER! SOOOOOO stinkin' happy for you TOOT! ;) Jk. But really! This made me smile so big! Congrats love bug! You're going to make awesome parents! :)

  15. Oh Kristin...I am tearing up, especially when he said "Toot this is our chance". I love that you are embracing the Lord's plans. I cannot WAIT to follow you on this journey!! Somethin's in the water!!!!!!! SO HAPPY FOR YOU! Congratulations times a million love you! Big hugs today! You made MY DAY!!!!! (week really)

  16. Congratulations!!!! I know, from experience, that it's scary, but you will be great!!!!! So happy for y'all!!!

  17. awww yayy!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!


  18. OMG CONGRATS!!!!!!! :)

  19. GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMIGOSH. Congrats!!! :-D UHMAZING news. So excited for you!!! Love J's response <3 Yay!!!

  20. I totally hear ya, girl.. just because you're married doesn't mean this isn't a big deal and exciting/scary! That being said, Jason's reaction was adorable and perfect and made me tear up a bit! Leave it to the guy to be brief but spot on. :) You'll be a great, and adorable mother!

  21. Congrats to you both! So exciting!

  22. Congrats!! The Lord works on wonderful ways!!! Wishing you a healthy journey to motherhood!!

  23. That is so exciting. I am so happy for you guys :) God has his perfect timing with everything :)

  24. Congratulations!!!! That's such great news!! :)

  25. Loved reading this - Congrats!!!!!!!!

  26. Congratulations! I am due 11/20! Can't wait to follow your journey with you!

  27. Congratualtions Kristin! This is so very exciting!! I cant wait to read along! Dont go private on me! haha =)

    I have to ask... were you showing any signs of being pregnant before you decided to take the test... or did you just randomly think that you should?

  28. Congratulations, girlie!!! I cannot wait to read and keep up with your baby bump. ;)

  29. CONGRATS!!! That's so exciting! I'm so happy for you!

  30. CONGRATS!!! That is so exciting! God works in mysterious ways! I am so happy for you! So excited to follow you on this journey!

  31. Congrats! That freak out when you read the pregnancy test...that will be the first of many "oh crap, am I ready for this?!?" moments you'll have over the next few months. But it is all worth it!

  32. Congrats! That freak out when you read the pregnancy test...that will be the first of many "oh crap, am I ready for this?!?" moments you'll have over the next few months. But it is all worth it!

  33. Congrats! That freak out when you read the pregnancy test...that will be the first of many "oh crap, am I ready for this?!?" moments you'll have over the next few months. But it is all worth it!

  34. OMG CHILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jason omg melt his heart!!!!!

    so so so so happy for you and so glad this is public so now i can go about my day screaming KRISTIN IS PREGNANT!! and dragging kurt to baby stores to buy little things!!!

    literally the day you told us i was on a baby website! hahaha

    and this is our chance...oh mann! i love you two...seriously! God DOES believe you guys are ready!! he alllways knows :-)

    EEEEK i cant wait for more updates on the reg!! i love you guys!


  35. AHHHHH! So happy for you two!! Congrats, you will make amazing parents!

  36. AHHHHHHHHH!!! Love love love! So excited you finally spilled the beans so I don't have to disguise any tweeting / comments anymore!!! Jason's response is PRECIOUS! Adore this story, post, etc. all of it. I'm so happy for you muffin!!!!

    Love you!

  37. AH Congrats!!! That is so exciting. I love his comment, so true. I can't wait to hear all about it!!! :)

  38. I actually had an idea you might be!!! :) Oh wait, I have questions! Are you gonna find out the sex. ;)

  39. Oh my goodness congratulations! You're going to be a great mother and your hubby will be a wonderful father!
    So excited to see you develop a baby-bump! You're going to be SO cute!

  40. Congratulations sweet girl! This post made me tear up! So happy for you and your hubby.. ya'll are going to have THE most gorgeous baby! :)

  41. You will have a REAL LIL K! Baby may have to be LIL F! :) Congrats! Super cute photo too!

  42. ahhhhh this made me cry and brought back memories from about 5 months ago :p. My husband was the one with the intuition and I thought he was crazy. We had only been married a month and a half!!!! I totally know all of these feeling all to well. So excited for you guys.

  43. con-FREAKING-grats!!!

    so happy for you and your hubby and SO happy for you to embark on the journey of parenthood.

    becoming and being a mommy has been the best change in my life to date!!

    so happy for you and looking forward to reading abut your path to motherhood.

    -xo! A

  44. YAY CONGRATS!!! I smiled while reading this entire post!!!

  45. so so SO excited for y'all!!!! I don't think anyone is ever "ready" for a baby...or for life in just learn real quick how to deal with it all and you, my dear, will be a WONDERFUL little momma!! Congrats!!! Can't WAIT to find out what it is!!!

  46. Congrats!!!!!!!!!

    Oooh... and I love the picture!

    XO Lourdes

  47. Aw congratulations! That is so exciting!

    When I was in high school, I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, so wondering if I would be able to ever conceive has always weighed on my mind. Hearing this gives me hope! So happy for you :)

  48. Congrats and welcome to this crazy ride! You will do great! :)

  49. congratulations!!! so exciting!!!!!!

  50. Got tears in my eyes reading your story and what your sweet husband said to calm you down. Congratulations!! :)

  51. My heart was pounding as I was reading this like it was happening to me! Lol Congratulations!!! That's so exciting!!!

  52. Ahhhh how exciting! Gods timing is perfect timing! Congrats!!!!

  53. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I am SO excited for you guys!!!

  54. What a wonderful story! Sweetie you will be a wonderful momma. My daughter is 13 and my son is 20 months! After 12 years I never expected to get pregnant and frankly didnt want too. I couldn't believe it when I took the test. Like you, I made a trip to town and I actually ended up taking 6 all together. I was in total shock and disbelief. I actually cried the first 3 months. I couldn't imagine starting over. Now, I can't imagine not having this little man in my life and on top of that we are adding a new addition in July/August. God has plans for us & everything is part of his plan. I'm so happy for you all. A HUGE CONGRATS!!! Can't wait to follow along on your journey :)

  55. So exciting! Congrats! I'm only a month or so ahead of you - hopefully you're feeling okay!

  56. Congratulations Kristin! You're going to make a great Mama. God knows when it's the right time!

  57. omg! This post was amazing! I am so excited for you two! It is HIS timing and he knows you are ready! CAnnot wait to follow along and see everything baby!

  58. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You are going to be the cutest mommy, and this is such a blessing!!! So excited for you!!!

  59. Congratulations! So amazing & exciting for you, your hubby, & your families!

  60. Blessings to you and your bundle!!!!!!!!!!!!

  61. Just found you off of Ruthie's blog... so exciting! Congrats to the both of you :)

  62. congratulations!! Wow, what a story! Best of luck to you and your growing family!

  63. Congrats!!! God had a plan plan for you and knew the timing was right! :)

  64. congrats to you both. What a great photo of you guys.

  65. Congratulations!! I just found your blog through Ruthie. I'm also expecting (with #2) in November - due the 16th. I look forward to following your journey.

    Wishing you a rocking' baby bumpin' pregnancy!!


  66. Congrats! How exciting! I am very excited for you and your husband! You are going to make great parents!

  67. Sooo exciting!! What a wonderful time for you two!! Love that J said "Your creepy"! LOL sounds like my hubbs.

  68. CONGRATULATIONS! You guys will be amazing parents!

  69. Just now seeing this and wanted to congratulate you!!!! Yayyyy! You're absolutely right. God's timing is the right timing and He will bless you endlessly :) So happy to follow along on this new journey of yours!

  70. Oh my goodness, what a wonderful surprise! See what happens when I leave blogland for a little while!


  71. I have been out of the blogging/twitter loop for so long and I just logged onto pinterest and saw a maternity board so I tried to go to your blog which my work has now blocked so I am reading on my phone. CONGRATS!!!

  72. AWWWWWWWWWWW love this! So sweet! So so so so so happy for you both! My friend is pregnant right now too and due on Thanksgiving day!


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