Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Check It

Whoop! Whoop! Whoop! 
I love May, cuz it means it's almost June and June is SUMMER! 

Last month I put together an April To-Do-List...let's take a look and see how I did, shall we?

*Redo Master Bedroom.
Big fat fail. Our April weekends got booked up SO quick and I just never got the time to get the project done.

*Walk/Run 50 miles this month. 
HA! Not even close. I think I went like 14 miles.

*Plan presents. 
As I mentioned last month, we have A LOT going on this year! So I made myself a handy little spreadsheet to keep track of birthdays, showers, weddings, etc. and also to plan what I'm giving as a gift, where I'm getting it and how much it's going to cost!
I am happy to say the entire spreadsheet is filled out AND quite a few items have already been purchased!

*Save some money. 

Shockingly we were able to put away a nice little chunk of money this month! Always feels good! 

*Test drive and make a car buying plan. 

I did test drive my little CRV and I absolutely LOVE it. I have some good ideas on the financial aspect and I am planning getting my new ride sometime this summer.

*Keep up on laundry. 
I am completely shocked at how great we did on this. I have to give a major shout out to the husby because he was a big help on the laundry front as I was not the best at household chores this past month.

Now, for some things to accomplish in May:

*Organize photos. 
I have so many camera and iPhone pictures stored on my computer. I need to clear them out! The plan is to add the ones I want to keep to Shutterfly and ditch the ones I don't need. I also need to get an album up on Facebook of all the pics from this past winter.

*Redo Master Bedroom. 
This was on last month's list and I didn't get to it. This NEEDS to get done, so hopefully this month I'll find some time. 

*Buy a crib!
I want to wait until we find out the sex to commit to nursery bedding and decor, but I am pretty sure I know the crib I want (girl or boy) so might as well get that bad boy purchased!

*Read a non-pregnancy related book.
I've been reading a ton of pregnancy and newborn books, which have been super helpful but it is time I get back into some more enjoyable reading. Any good book recommendations?

Here's to hoping this month is a productive one! 


  1. WOW You have a lot going on before the baby is born! What a great idea to keep a spreadsheet! I was the first out of my friends to get married so I kept a spreadsheet of gifts I got and its nice now that my friends are getting married, I have record of what they got me and can do the same for them! Can't wait to see the crib you choose!

  2. May is going to be a crazy (in a really good way) month for us so I may be stealing that spreadsheet idea because it's genius! I can't wait to see your nursery come together!!!

  3. That spreadsheet is so clever...I think I might have to nab your idea! ;-) Which crib do you have in mind?
    As for books - have you read the Emily Giffin books? Pretty light reading, but perfect for summer time.

  4. any books by Emily Giffin, Mary Kay Andrews or Beth Harbison are good easy summer reads.

    I really like the gift spreadsheet. Great idea.

  5. To do lists are a good idea. I shouldd get on that. =P

  6. Good luck with your new goals for this month girlie =)

    Also, I haven't been around the blog world much in the past couple of weeks so I haven't had a chance to tell you CONGRATULATIONS on your pregnancy!!!

  7. Good luck on this month's goal list. I do this monthly too although April's was a big fat fail for the most part.

    That spreadsheet idea is genius. I so need to do that :) My pics are a mess too but I don't see getting those cleared up anytime soon. It would take ages!

    Have a nice week friend!

  8. Welcome home. Thank God since it was such terrible weather! I'm glad I got to hear from you both and taking care of Bailey was alot of fun! She likes being a ranch hand. Your blog friends are awesome people with beautiful and funny posts. Shout out to them. AND impressed with your calendar of events, good job, but know you have it in you. LOVE YOU BOTH SOOOO MUCH!! Schoob too!

  9. Great goals beeb! I can't wait to take a ride in that new car! :)

  10. best of luck on this months goals! good job on last month's too, esp all the gifts, that takes so much time!!

  11. OMG your presenet spreadsheet is awesome. I have special dates written down but I really need to get organized and put it iside a family binder.


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