Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Beeb is Here!

Happy May Day lovlies!
I am still in Denver, and the tournament is now over, which means I am spending some quality time with my mama, grandma and grandpa!

Before we get in to the amazingly adorable guest post from my Beeb, I had to wish a Happy Birthday to two of my favorite ladies!

Today is my dear friend Clara's birthday!
Happy Birthday Clurrrrra!

and today is also my sister-in-law's 30th birthday!
Happy Birthday Coley! Love you and miss you!
(she lives in Florida, lucky bish)

...and, now on to the good stuff!


Hello Kristin's blog friends! I'm Carolyn, and I blog over at life, love & puppy prints

If you haven't checked out my little home in blogland... head over there... I'll wait. :) 

Are you back? Good. 

As you all know... Kristin made a HUGE announcement last week.

 They're having a baby!!!!!!!!!

If you've read either of our blogs for any length of time, you know that we're real life friends... or Beebs as we call ourselves. (yes we have a dorky nickname. I know you're jealous.) The day they called to tell us that baby Fawver was on it's way, I felt a mix of emotions. 

First, I got REALLY excited...

and then I needed a drink...

because I realized I'm losing my drinking buddy for 9 months!

But then it hit me that I'm just gaining another Fawver, 
and you all know how much I love me some Fawvers!

 And I still have Jason to drink with.

I know Kristin is going to be an AMAZING mom...

 I mean look at what a good job they did raising Bailey!

Kristin, we did say that 2012 was going to be a great year for us...

I could go on and on and on about how excited I am for them, but I think this says it all...

 Congratulations Beebs!

 I'm so very very happy for you, and I can't wait to start spoiling little baby Cray. :)



  1. YAY! Such a cute post my C-Lo!

    Having a best friend prego is the best thing ever, you get to buy cute clothes and go through everything with her. But you don't gain the baby weight ;)

    But I KNOW Miss Kristin is gonna be a hot prego mama so it's all good in the hood!


  2. My BFF got married about 6 months before I did-- so I keep joking with her that's its up to her to get the baby thing rolling! ;) I'll have a blastttt spoiling my friend's babies one day-- no one has 'em yet though, so I'll have to stick to J's cousins!

  3. aww YAY! BEEBS spoiling lil F so cute!

  4. What a sweet shout out to your BFF!! And losing your drinking buddy for 9 months..o no! LOL :-p


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