Thursday, May 31, 2012

My Belly {17 weeks}

Weekly photo FAIL! 
Nugget this week...
...the rubbery cartilage is turning to bone! putting on some fat (yeah, plump up little one!) growing a stronger and thicker umbilical chord

 Size of the baby?  
About 5 inches long and almost 6 ounces...about the size of an onion!

Total Weight Gain/Loss?  
I've gained 10 pounds, still working on leveling out this weight gain, but at least I finally have a little sumthin' sumthin' popping! 

Maternity Clothes?  
I just bought a pair of maternity jeans. My jeans were starting to get so uncomfortable and I am not a fan of the Bella Bands, I just can't handle walking around with my pants undone. The maternity jeans are big on me right now but oh-so-much more comfortable! 

Stretch marks?  
Not yet. Thank you cocoa butter and heredity....stick with me!  

Best Moments?  
Feeling Nugget move and ordering our crib! Shit's getting real people! 

I've been feeling all kinds of little pops and flutters. Sometimes it's hard to tell if I'm digesting food or if my baby is moving, but there's definitely some crazy stuff going on in there. 

Food Cravings?  
Don't really have any cravings.  

Anything making you queasy or sick? 
Still can't do any meat! I've been able to do a few veggies but still nothing fresh. Boo! 

What I miss?  
Looking cute in my clothes. Everything is fitting a little more snug and getting a but uncomfortable. 

What I'm looking forward to?  
Getting our crib! It's set to be delivered on Saturday!!! 

Not at all. 

My lower back has been super sore. My step-mom gave me a heating pad and about 10 minutes on that puppy before bed helps a lot. 

Labor signs?  
We don't talk about labor, remember?

Only 3 1/2 more weeks of suspense! I seriously can't take it anymore. I am DYING to know what we're having.  

Belly Button In or Out?  
Still in.

Wedding rings On or Off?  
All rings still on!!!

Still sleeping great, I move around a lot but that is not new.

Take it easy. Even though the second trimester is a whole new ballgame in terms of energy, you are still growing a person! I find I get worn out a lot easier but because I'm feeling so good I don't slow down. I need to remember I can't do what I used to be able to and I need to enjoy taking it easy for another 5 months. We all know there won't be any taking it easy once the little one arrives. 

Read the rest of my bumpdates HERE!


  1. So glad you are feeling better! And I'm so excited to know what you're having!!!

  2. Yay for no nausea! Can’t wait to hear what you’re having! Do you have any predictions?

  3. Whaaaa!! :'-( No weekly photo? I was so ready to laugh at Jason and say how CUTE you look! (by the way, your maxi from the Twins game was adorable)

    Sorry your back hurts. Hope the heating pad continues to work!!

  4. Glad your doing well! You and my friend are just a few weeks off! Can't wait to see if its a boy or girl!

  5. I feel like I got screwed a little this week. No ridiculous photo? Not ok. :)

  6. I agree with Carol! I've been missing these posts too since I've been MIA :) I missed you so much! I want a BLATE with you (and the nugget!) soon!!

  7. Ohhhhh, that was awesome when you said, in your movements comment, "digesting food or if MY BABY is moving" SOOOO surreal ungh! You and J are going to awesome parents. AND YOU are an extrodinary woman! Now take time with J, Schoob and relax and say WOW!

  8. You are doing great and looking beautiful as ever!! xoxo m

  9. baby onion!! AHHH girl you are getting cloosssserrr

    we missed you and carolyn lots this weekend and talked about y'all!!!!! Baby would have enyjoed 3am dancing and the zoo hahah :-)

    eeeee u can feel nugget! that must be so exciting i am so excited for you guys!!


  10. Isn't feeling them move the craziest thing ever? And I'm with everyone else - where's the pics? :)


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