Friday, June 1, 2012

Friday's Letters.


Dear Mama,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I love you. 

Dear Work Day,
Hurry the F up, I want my weekend!

Dear Husband,
I love you.

Dear Baby,
Can you find a way to tell me if you're a boy or girl? I can't take it anymore!

Dear Minnesota Bloggers,
Check out the MN Bloggers blog, read my awesome post and get to know me better!

Dear Husband's Sweatpants,
I love you so much, thank you for being so comfortable.

Dear Bailey,
You're the cutest thing I've ever seen.

Dear Mother Nature,
Please stick to this game plan, but feel free to add some sunshine on Sunday. I would like to be by the pool this weekend.

Dear Snow White and the Huntsman,
I am excited to see you tonight and hope you are as awesome as the previews make you out, despite Kristen Stewart.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


  1. ooo Let me know how that movie is - I want to see it!!!!

  2. Let us know how Snow White was. I'm dying to see it!

  3. I can't wait to see the Snow White movie too!! It is so funny; EVERY time the preview for that movie comes on the TV, Greg says "OHHH, we have GOT to see that movie. It looks SOOO good" allllll like I have not heard him say this 1 million times before and had me agree with him, hahah!

    I am SO hoping that the nice weather sticks around and cooperates with my plans to hang at the pool all weekend long. LET'S HOPE!!

  4. adorable! Of course I HAVE to comment on your puggle - she is so cute.

  5. When do you find out the gender?!

    The Snow White movie looks soooo good!

  6. ugh kristen stewart, she is ick. and i hear if there is a 50 shades movie she has been asked. yuck.

  7. Dear Baby-I can't wait any longer either. Will you just give us a sign already?? PLEASE??!!!

  8. have a great weekend! ireally want to see snow white too, but it's gotten bad reviews for kristen stewart :(

  9. I love your Friday letters and thank you for mine!! xoxo m

  10. I can't wait to find out what you're having! Are y'all doing a gender reveal?


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