Monday, June 11, 2012

Weekend Recap.

It was another lovely weekend and I'm sad to see it come to an end. 

Friday night I went out to celebrate my friend Jackie's Bachelorette Party. 
This was one of those events that I was super bummed to be pregnant during, I left early but if the first few hours were any indication this Bachelorette Party was one for the books! 

Saturday we had our friends Colin & Sharisse and their little boy Brody over to our pool. It was a solid six hours of sunshine, swimming and cocktails, well for everyone except me and Brody. 
 It's so fun seeing Jason with Brody, he's so good with him and it makes me really excited for our little one to arrive. 

Saturday evening we all watched the Celtics sadly lose to Miami. 
Does anyone else despise the Miami Heat as much as I do? After the game, the "adults" continued on with their cocktailing while me, Brody and Bailey watched Madagascar 2. 

Sunday we were once again poolside. This time my mom and Jason's dad joined us. Somehow I got more sun in the two hours on Sunday than the six hours on Saturday. Weird. 

Then Sunday evening we went to our friends Andrea and Eric's for a BBQ. Our friends Pat and Nicci also came with their two daughters Josie and Emma. 
Andrea is also pregnant and due in July! So it was really fun to chat with the ladies about all things pregnancy and babies. 

Emma not sure about feeling the baby.....
 and Emma's reaction to the baby hiccuping....

The best part, however, was watching Josie torment Eric. 

And, Bailey made a new friend. :)
Can I please tell you all how obsessed I am with my camera? I'm really bummed I didn't have it at the pool to capture some action shots of Brody swimming. 

To end the weekend, a picture with my honey. 

I hope you're all  having a great start to your week!



  1. Looks like it was a fun weekend and a perfect weekend to spend at the pool! That photo of Bailey being cuddled is so cute!

  2. Looks like a fun weekend! Love that picture of Emma's reaction to the hiccups, so cute!

  3. those pictures of Emma are soooo perfect!

  4. Very sweet pictures! I love the cute reactions little kids make! :)

  5. #1 - Yes I despise the Heat. It's the media's fault bc all they do is kiss the ground they walk on and I can't handle hearing that!

    Also- Brody is adorable. Emma is adorable. Those pics of her with the belly are just the CUTEST! And Bailey and his new friend :) Aww, I just love this post. All types of feel good moments you captured :) You're becoming a pro with that new camera missy!!

  6. Yay for a fun weekend!! :) Wish we could have come for the fun pool day!!!

  7. You look GREAT! & tan! Happy Monday!

  8. Looks like a great weekend :) sweet pictures!

  9. Looks like such a fun weekend!! Loving the picture of u two at the end :)

  10. Looks like such a fun weekend!! Loving the picture of u two at the end :)

  11. That sounds super nice and relaxing! I wish I had easy access to a know, besides the wading pool by our house :)

  12. I am jealous of all your pool time! I am still recovering from my Memorial Day sunburn that is still not completely healed :(

  13. the pic of the girl and the dog is so stinking sweet!

  14. Great weekend and FUN photos!! The photos of Emma with the preggo baby is too precious. And love the last one of you and Jason!

  15. Hey,
    That is so crazy first are birthdays are a day apart and now this! lol
    I just got married on June 9th, so I had my bachlorette party on June 2nd, my sister who is also my MOH is 5 months pregnant she is due in November. She was complaining the whole night how it sucks to be the sober one. So I know someone who can feel your party pain!! Good Luck with everything!!

    (sorry I'm commenting so late, just got back from my honeymoon the other day!)


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