Monday, June 4, 2012

Weekend Recap

Happy Monday morning everyone! 
Raise your hand if you'd rather still be at home snuggled in bed with your puggle?

This weekend went WAY too fast, but it was a great one. It was a very low key weekend which was wonderful. 

Friday night we met up with my friend Christina and her fiance Aaron to see Snow White and the Huntsman. 
We loved it! I am not a K-Stew fan at all but you can't deny that she plays a tormented damsel in distress pretty well. But the star of the movie is without a doubt Charlize. HOLY SMOKES! She is so bad ass and scary and shockingly beautiful. I'd definitely recommend seeing it. 
BEWARE: if you're afraid of birds like I am, bring a cute boy to gran on to. 

Saturday we spent the day lounging by the pool, which was glorious as always. 

Then that evening we brought Bailey to meet up with my mom and step-dad and their dog Koli for "Yappy Hour" at the Country Club. 
It was really cute. They had a big area set up for members to bring their dogs, they had homemade treats for the pups and drinks and "yappetizers" for the humans. Bailey was surprisingly well behaved and we all had a great time. 

After Yappy Hour we went to Jason's cousin's graduation party. It's always a blast when Jason's family gets together---his dad's side of the family is huge and everyone is hilarious! Plus, my dad has been friends with their family since he was in 6th grade so he was at the party too. Whenever you get my dad and Jason's dad together the old high school stories start flowing and it is HILARIOUS. 
Such a fun night! And how cute are Jason's grandparents?!?!

Sunday was a super low-key and productive day. We slept in, walked around Lake Calhoun, 
went grocery shopping, set up our crib (!!!) and watched the Celtics (barely) beat the Heat. 

Nothing super exciting, but it was a wonderfully relaxing weekend!

What did you do?


  1. I walked around Lake Calhoun on Friday! Love that place.

  2. Looks like a fun weekend! And yayyyy - you got a crib- that's so exciting!!!

  3. Yay for laid back weekends. I could use one of those. As opposed to a biker wedding filled with props and too much college food. :)

  4. Looks like a great weekend. I snuggled with my puggle a lot, too. Just wish I could still be cuddling him :) How exciting that you set up the crib!!!! Can't wait to see the finished nursery!

  5. Sounds like a super fun weekend.



  6. YOUR CRIB!! Cannot wait to see the nursery you choose..I have a feeling it will involve bees :-) and how cute your FIL and dad are buds!

  7. I saw Snow White too! Loved it!! Totally agree about Charlize.. she is amazing as a villain!!

  8. I canNOT wait to see the new Snow White movie!! :-D I'm pretty sure our next date night will be to the movies. Can't wait!!

    Sounds like a great weekend-- wasn't the weather PERFECT for laying out on Saturday??

  9. Reading that first sentence about snuggling in bed? Totally made me yawn and miss my baby snuggles.

  10. Pretty sure I want to go home and nap now! ;) CRIB set up?! I am so excited to see it all come together!!! I bet you are so pumped!

  11. K-Stew is the only reason I didn't want to see the movie. Ok, maybe I will now. And look at Bailey. So stinking cute!

  12. SNOW WHITE! charlize theron totally looks like a badass in this...dying to see it!

    i wanna see your cute lil tummy in a bathing suit! wow that sounded creepy but bellies are adorable!

    THE CRIB!!!!! AHH!!! :-D


  13. we didn't end up seeing the movie! Boo. so we got drunk instead. yay!

  14. Yappy hour?! haha that is amazing.


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