Thursday, July 12, 2012

My Belly {23 weeks}

It's been another tough week for me. I've been feeling so tired and so icky...I'm not sure if I'm sick or if I've reverted back to the First Trimester ways. All I know is that I really hope the next four months aren't like this. I am really missing all that energy I had!

Nugget this week... forming little nipples!
...her face is fully formed! Now she just needs to fatten up a bit.
...she's listening to my voice and heartbeat and can hear loud sounds.

 Size of the baby?  
Somewhere between 10.5 and 12 inches and somewhere between 13 and 20 oz. 

Total Weight Gain/Loss?  
14 pounds so far.

Maternity Clothes?  
Still in limbo. Most of my pre-preggo clothes are too tight now but I'm definitely at the stage where more form fitting clothes are more flattering. 

Stretch marks?  
Nope, thank the heavens.

Best Moments?  
Finally revealing the gender of our baby girl! 

Baby's new nickname is Kung Fu Panda...she is karate chopping the crap out of my insides lately.  AND, Jason finally got to feel her! 

Food Cravings?  
Sweets! Especially ice cream!

Anything making you queasy or sick? 
Still not the biggest fan of veggies. I've been able to do little bits of meat, but still a vegetarian for now. A vegetarian who can't eat veggies. 

What I miss?  
I am missing the Second Trimester energy that has recently just disappeared

What I'm looking forward to?  
A Friday night with no plans, can't wait!

I've been a little nauseous on and off this week, but thankfully no vomiting. 

I'm packed full of symptoms this week: achy back, headaches, nausea, no energy, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah. 

Labor signs?  
Not yet! But I have started to have labor dreams, those are pret-ty interesting.


Belly Button In or Out?  
Still in, but it's definitely getting shallow. 

Wedding rings On or Off?  
These babies are still on! Only 17 more weeks til I hit my goal. 

I'm still sleeping pretty good, but I'm moving around a lot. A body pillow may be in my near future. 

Slow the F down. 
I don't know if it's true for all preggos, but when I have energy I take full advantage of it and I go and go and go until I hit a wall and then start throwing tired fits like a spoiled three-year-old. I think it's especially hard to slow down with a jam packed summer schedule, but my advice this week (which I need to tell myself) is that it's OK to say "no" to plans or to rest or be lazy. Growing a human is A LOT  of work. 


  1. ah so cute! love the belly! Can't wait for the post with the name.

  2. I craved sweets CRAZY! Definitely making a human is HARD!

  3. You look so cute! I agree that the in-between time when your normal clothes don't fit and maternity stuff looks funny on you is the worst! But it will pass! I hope you get your energy back soon....the second trimester energy burst is the best!

  4. you have the cuuuutest little baby bump i cant handle it!

    i love that you are now saying "she!" BABABAYY GIRL!

    labor dreams!? oh boy. i wanna hear one! hah!

    you're doing awesome mama!!


  5. Aw look at your cute little bump! I love your shorts too btw.

  6. You look so cute! I know your feeling icky and gross but it will pass soon hopefully- rest and take advantage of people waiting on you:) she will be here before you know it

  7. You look so cute little mama to be but where is Jay's adaptation? Always entertaining. xoxo m

  8. First up - super cute pic this week Beeb! Second - BOOBIES! :)

  9. Adorable! I love that you are vegetarian that doesn't eat veggies. makes me laugh hahaha what are you eating now since you only eat a little bit of meat?! Xo to you and kung fu!

  10. Im about 2-3 weeks behind you in my pregnancy and I understand what you mean about the vegetarianism! I've eaten meat three times since I found out I was pregnant (and I had to choke it down) AND most veggies sound disgusting to me. I've been living on broccoli and spinach.

    And I am the exact same way with my energy level. So it's not just you :)

  11. You look so cute! Definitely have a bump now! And don't tell me you're getting tired again, my energy just came back and I don't want mine to go away either!!!

  12. I agree, it is so hard to make yourself slow down. I have a terrible time with it. Hope you start feeling better soon and this is just an off week for you.

  13. Sorry you haven't felt great! :( Hope that goes away soon! PS- If you can't really eat veggies or meat, what ARE you eating? LOL, that's all I eat!

    Where is your hubby's weekly pic?! lol

  14. Aww man, no hubby pic this week!?

    I had to laugh that baby is forming nipples because my almost 2 year old is currently nipple obsessed! Every time his shirt is off he's pointing to them and saying "nipples!" It's maybe the funniest thing ever.

    Hope you get some energy back soon! I had a hard time not pushing myself when I was pregnant. I'd often forget I couldn't do as much as I used to until it was too late and I was beyond exhausted!

  15. For sure slow down! I'm hardly a poster child for that advice, but it makes a huge difference. If I push it too hard right now, I always regret it later. Looking great!!!

  16. I had no idea they were so specific about nipples forming. lol

  17. Sorry it's been a tough week :( But you look great :)! Love your chalkboard design too!

  18. You look adorable kid but where is Jay's prego adaptation? xoxo m

  19. So so so excited for you! A GIRL!!! YESSSS!!! I secretly wore pink the day I knew you were having your gender reveal. FACT!

    PS-your tots are looking nice. I checked 'em out. I bet the husby is IN. HEAVEN. haha (Did I really just tell you your boobs look nice!?)

  20. you look so cute! i loved your comment, a vegetarian who doesn't eat veggies! cracked me up!

  21. Aw I loved this update! I love hearing how you're doing, all the crazy symptoms and milestones.. it's so fun! haha It's also giving me major baby fever in a WEIRD way!


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