Monday, July 16, 2012

Weekend Recap: Birthday on a Boat & The Color Run!

 It was another fab weekend for the Fawver's. 
Friday night was low key. We just hung out at home and caught up on the new HBO show, The Newsroom. 
We are officially obsessed. Such a good show. 

Saturday, we went out to Lake Minnetonka to surprise my friend Ryan for his birthday! Ryan's amazing wife, Kari, rented a big ol party boat and invited Ryan's friends and family to surprise him. Ryan had no idea and it was a lovely day on the water. 

Saturday night was another lazy one, because I had to be up early for The Color Run! 
I met up with the Beeb, Kelly and Beeb's bff, Rachel and we were ready to get spanked in the face with color! 
Ready to race
crossing the finish line! 
Que color fight!
It was such a blast! And it was so sweet of these ladies to take it easy and walk the whole 5k with the preggo. I hope The Color Run comes back next year. I would to do it again and actually run it. 

After the race I felt like I had been hit by a truck. My lower back was hurting to the point of tears. I got home, washed as much color off of me as I could and booked it to the pool. Let me tell ya, there is something about swimming that makes a pregnant lady all kinds of happy. It was wonderful to have a few hours of relief from my sore back (and not to mention get a little sun). 

The rest of my Sunday was spent catching up on and TV and getting work done for our final basketball tournament of the season. It's our biggest one yet and there's a TON to be done! 

I hope you all had great weekends! 


  1. Looks like a fun the color run photos!!!

  2. All your color run photos are awesome!!!! Did it take forever to scrub all that crap off?! I would be afraid my face would still be green or something when I had to go to work the next day, lol!

  3. The color run looks so fun!! You're hair in that picture for the birthday party looks AMAZING! So pretty! xo

  4. Looks like you had a good weekend! I cant wait for the color run to open registration for NJ! I am so all over it!

  5. So much fun! And you need to upload the rest of these pics to fbook!!! You forgot the cutest ones!

  6. SO COOL!!! and i loved that they all walked with you :-)

    can i just goo goo ga ga over your bump? it is so darn cute!!

    that birthday boat party looked like a blast i LOVE the blowpop lolipop idea haha


  7. that is so nice of them to walk with you!! this looks like a blast! :) The boat idea sparked an interest for me to do for billy sometime but his bday is in march and there are NO boats on the water in march... hahah bummerrrrrr

  8. What a great birthday surprise! The color run looks soooo fun!

  9. Ahhh so much fun!! The pictures from your color fight are great :-) thank goodness you have a pool close by, I'm so jealous ;-)

  10. The Color Run looks like it was so much fun!!! I want to do it next year, hopefully it will come back to Philly.

  11. You are seriously one of the cutest pregnant ladies! I just love the photos from the color run - so fun!


  12. Color run looks like so much fun!

  13. party boat!!! I wanna go!! oh and you 1.5 shirt is PRESH

  14. the color run looks so much fun!!!! and you are an adorable preggo lady!!

  15. Love the Color Run pics! We did it earlier in the year in Phoenix and it was a BLAST! So happy to see you did it preggo...because I'm hoping to do it again next year (and hopefully be preggo too!).

  16. Love the Color Run pics! We did it earlier in the year in Phoenix and it was a BLAST! So happy to see you did it preggo...because I'm hoping to do it again next year (and hopefully be preggo too!).

  17. awww how nice they walked the whole thing w you! the run look like so much fun!

  18. Ahhhhh so fun. Our color run in Indy is next weekend, you just made me SO excited for it!

  19. I think my favorite part of all these photos is your BRIGHT YELLOW sweatband :-D WHAT a fun day.

    Love the suprise party on the boat too!! Fun stuff!

  20. The Color Run looks like so much fun! I need to find one in MI to do!


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