Thursday, July 26, 2012

My Belly {25 weeks}

I cannot believe I am 25 weeks pregnant today!
Part of me feels like I've been pregnant FOREVER and at the same time, this is just flying by! I am getting so excited to meet this little peanut.
Only 15 more weeks!!!

Nugget this week...
*Knows which way is up and which way is down
*Is growing more fat and more hair! 

Size of the baby?  
About 14 inches long and around 2 pounds!

Total Weight Gain/Loss?  
I've gained 19 pounds...let's just say I am less than thrilled to be one pound away from 20 with 15 weeks left. I'm hoping that some healthy eating and exercise (two things I've been majorly lacking) will help even this out a bit.

Maternity Clothes?  
I'm still wearing a mix. Maternity clothes fit me really weird and I get REALLY frustrated when I go shopping so I'm pretty much living in pre-preggo cotton dresses.

Stretch marks?  
Nope. Thank you Body Butter, thank you Olive Oil, thank you genetics.

Best Moments?  
I had my monthly doctor's appointment on Monday and the baby's heartbeat was nice and strong (right around 148), my belly has grown at the rate it should and I passed my glucose test! I had to go in and drink this super sugary orange pop tasting beverage, sit around for an hour and then get a blood test to be sure I didn't have gestational diabetes, which I don't! WHOOP!

Nugget's movements are becoming more frequent and more intense. It is my absolute favorite thing in the world feeling her move around. My doctor said it's time to start tracking movements, so once a day I am supposed to lay on my left side and time how long it takes her to move 10 times. Typically, I should be able to feel 10 kicks in an hour, if it takes more than 2 hours I need to let the doctor know. So last night I timed it took my daughter 7 frickin' minutes to move 10 times!
She's either a complete spaz or a total overachiever.

Food Cravings?  
Still no real cravings. My sweet tooth is on overdrive, but that's about it.

Anything making you queasy or sick? 
I'm still not able to eat meat. I've been able to do little bits here and there but absolutely NO chicken and for the most part all of it makes me want to gag. I am getting better with veggies though! It might be time to try broccoli again.

What I miss?  
Sleeping on my tummy.

None at all.

I'm still having terrible lower back pain. My doctor said it can often be a sign of over-excursion when there's pain this early. So I guess I have a doctor's note to sit on my booty and do nothing.

Labor signs?  
No labor signs still has some baking to do (as my Aunt Lisa said!)


Belly Button In or Out?
The button is still in, but it's getting shallow.  

Wedding rings On or Off?  
15 more weeks to reach my goal! They've been getting a little tight with the unbearable heat, but I refuse to take them off.

The back pain is making it more difficult to get comfortable which is starting to affect my sleep...not to mention I'm up to a minimum of 3 potty breaks a night.

What I'm looking forward to?  
Starting our "Preparing for Childbirth" class next week!
I know Jason is equally as pumped....sense the sarcasm.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You look SO cute!!! Can't believe the baby girl is already 2 lbs. "Preparing for Childbirth" sounds like it is going to be fun. I look forward to hearing about it!

  3. i can't believe you are already 25 weeks!! i cannot believe it has flown by so fast!

    you are looking amazing. and if it's really true that you've gained 19 lbs, idk where you are even carrying that weight.

  4. Glad you are back doing this for all of us!! xoxo m

  5. You look amazingggg! :) I'm looking forward to stalking your shower the Beeb is throwing sooon!!!

  6. Woohoo for passing the glucose test!! It wasn't nearly as bad as a lot of girls build it up to be eh??

    Take it easy Mama! Rest as much as you can :-) I learned that you definitely have to take advantage of low expectations from people haha!

    Do you sleep with pillows? Try putting one flat or folded between your knees - maybe even wedge one between the bed and your belly. That helped with hip and back pain for me :) You look great and your bump is cuuuute!!

  7. SO sweet! I feel like this time is FLYING BY!!

  8. What's with the instagram pic? Where's that damn chalkboard??? HAHA

  9. You look great! And I agree...feeling baby kick and move is so amazing!

  10. i can't wait to meet your little head of cauliflower!! and if baby Beyonce is anything like her mama i'm going for BOTH spaz and total overachiever. loooooove you - rdogg


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