Monday, July 30, 2012

The Weekend Baby!

Every Friday, Jason and I proclaim "It's the weekend, baby!" 
In our Schoob voices. 
For those of you who haven't experienced the "Schoob Voice"--it's basically a higher pitched more annoying version of baby talk that we use to talk to and about our dog, Bailey. 
It's very strange and we realize this, but I love that we are weirdos. 

Anyways, this weekend was amaze-balls. 
This past weekend was the one and only weekend of the ENTIRE summer (and fall for that matter) that neither me nor Jason had one single thing on the calendar. 

I got to sleep in and snuggle with this goofball.

I spent some time at the pool.

I did a little shopping and found a dress for my baby shower, shoes for the weddings I am in this fall, some jammies for baby girl, a Coach make-up bag that I am going to use for miscellaneous stuff in my diaper bag, and some maternity undies and spanks, which I was not thrilled about buying but I have a lot of surface area to cover, so it was necessary. 

I did a crap ton of laundry...I'm talking sheets from both beds, towels and all of our clothes!

Bailey and I went on a couple of walks.

I started up meal planning again...

and went grocery shopping and got all of my breakfasts, lunches and snacks portioned out for the week!

And, there was a whole lotta this action goin' on:
I LOVE the Olympics!

 Hope you all had fab weekends too!


  1. Who taught you to fold like a professional? Sounds like a perfect weekend and I love your new dress and shoes. xoxo m

  2. Your puppy is the cuterest!! My kitty loves to lay on mountains of folded laundry too!

  3. okay I really need to start portioning out my lunches and packing them for the week! I do it every night but I should start prepping n Sundays...does it save lots of time?? Glad you had a weekend with NOTHING! Those come few and far between

  4. Love your new dress and sparkly flats!! What the heck was up with that line in front of the Coach store?? I've never seen it like that before. Sounds like you had a GREAT weekend, totally relaxing :-D

  5. Looks like a great weekend!! :)

  6. OMG Who knew I'd be so into the Olympics? I can't get enough!

  7. woohooo olympics!!!

    you are a laundry queen!

    Love your prep for the week!


  8. I've been putting off buying maternity undies too - I think it's definitely time to break down! This booty is a little too big for pre-preg stuff haha!!

    Umm I'm stealing your meal plans (minus the carrots and cottage cheese) - everything looks soooo tasty!

    Hope you're feeling great after a low key weekend :)

  9. I love your fur dog! Cute little teeth :)

  10. Maternity undies?! You mean I'm going to need those too? ughh Anyway, I love the dress that you found and those sparkly flats are so cute! I really need to get back into meal planning now that my appetite isn't as crazy (and now that I'm finally starting to feel beter)!

  11. love the dress! i sat down with my favorite brother-who-is-also-a-chef and went over part of the menu for your baby shower today :) it's been so fun planning this bad boy with my favorite CC (who you know as The Beeb) and libz!! xoxo

  12. Girl, how do you have this much energy.. meal planning, cleaning, portioning out everything? Wow! I need to do the portioning... and blogging.. and.....


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