Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Can someone please tell me how it's ALREADY August?!?

It is going to be an insanely busy month.
See what I mean?! 

You may recall (from the old blog) that I made myself a Baby To-Do-List to make sure I am prepared and ready for the arrival of Little Miss Thang in November. 

We made some good headway in July, but there's still so much to be done and with some really crazy months ahead of us (4 weddings in September...yup, FOUR!) I have got to be on my planning A-game. 

Here's what I've checked off so far and what I still need to get done. 

√ Reveal the gender of the baby to friends and family!
The beginning of the month we announced the gender of our BABY GIRL to friends and family at a super fun Gender Reveal Party! 

√ Finish registering
The baby registry is DONE! And it feels great!

√ Register for Prenatal Classes
Our hospital is teamed up with a place called Amma Parenting for all prenatal classes, and it sounds like this place is pretty cool! 
J and I are registered for the "Preparing for Baby" series of classes, so we go to three Preparing for Childbirth classes, a Breastfeeding class and a Newborn Care class. Jason is NOT excited, but I am PUMPED! I am going to feel so much better about this whole LABOR thing when I'm more educated and know what to expect.

√ Register for tour of the Birthing Center at the hospital
J and I will be visiting the hospital and birthing center on the 20th! Again, I am pumped. Those who know me, know that I am terrified of hospitals. I am really hoping that seeing the birth center and really knowing what to expect will help ease some of the anxiety of having to be in a hospital. 
Or, maybe I'll get lucky and be one of those people to give birth in a car. 
just kidding. 
sort of.

√ Find baby shower outfit for shower 1
I CANNOT believe my first baby shower is NEXT weekend! I could not be more excited, especially now that I have an outfit! 

√ Get hostess gifts for my baby shower hosts
I found gifts for the hosts of my baby showers and I am so excited about them! Hopefully they like them!

√ Get some nursing bras
I've stocked up on nursing bras of all different sizes and I really, really, really hope I don't have to spend another penny on these darn things. I will say though, these puppies are SO comfortable:

√ Pick out birth announcement
I have the birth announcement picked out and pre-designed! So once baby girl is born I'll just have to add the pertinent information and throw in a couple of pictures and we'll be ready to print and mail them.
And, no, you cannot see them! But here are a few of my favorite inspiration designs:

√ For the Nursery: Find mobile
I have the mobile picked out and purchased!!!
Just waiting for it to arrive on my doorstep, any day now!
{sorry, you're going to have to wait on this one too}

√ For the Nursery: Get bedding
I have also found a purchased the baby's bedding! Of course, it's on back order until the end of this month, but I am anxiously awaiting the day I get e-mail telling me that it's on they way. 

Still up on the list....

-Decide on a name
-Take prenatal classes
-Tour the Birthing Center at the hospital
-Find a pediatrician
-Buy a mom car
-Figure out maternity leave
-Figure out childcare
-Figure out baptism
-Enjoy a babymoon with my man
-Find baby shower outfit for shower 2
-Get maternity pictures taken
-Get pregnancy massage {this IS happening at some point}
-Baby proof!
-Develop a birth plan
-Study up on newborn vaccines to determine what’s right for baby F
-Purchase any important items remaining on registry
-Baby laundry
-Figure out baby’s “Coming Home” outfit
-Figure out baby's newborn photo shoot outfit(s)
-Get all hospital paperwork in order
-Prepare “phone tree” for news of baby’s arrival
-Pack for the hospital
-Create labor playlist (yes, I need music and yes, there will be a playlist)
-Reach goal of walking 250 miles during pregnancy
-Finish the nursery!!!
∙Get art for the walls
∙Find window valance
∙Convert dresser to changing table
∙Get throw pillows for bed
∙Organize drawers and closet


  1. Thanks again for letting me follow along! It sounds like you are super on top of stuff, so that's good. I remember feeling like the To Do list was a mile long when I was pregnant and there is STILL stuff on the list that I haven't done and my daughter is 16 months! Poor girl has ONE thing on her bedroom walls :)

  2. Have fun on your babymoon this weekend! So funnn! Also, can't wait to see your nursery all set up and the announcements after the baby is born!

  3. I would love to hear your labor playlist! Please share!

  4. i had FOUR of those nursing bras SO comfy and PERFECT for around the house right away post baby.


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