Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Bee is for Baby.

I’ve said it a million times before and I will say it again…
I have THE best friends in the world.
On Sunday my best friends Carolyn, Robyn & Libby hosted a baby shower for me and the Nugget. While I had no doubt it would be amazing, I never in my wildest dreams would have expected what these girls put together.

The shower was very appropriately bee themed and it literally looked like a Queen Bee threw up all over Carolyn’s living room. They went above and beyond in the décor department and covered EVERY SINGLE POSSIBLE DETAIL.

We’re talking a diaper cake, a bee riding a diaper motorcycle, a diaper wreath, personalized candy, “It’s A Girl” Hershey kisses, bee outfits, a “mama bee” glass for me to drink out of, yellow and white poms, “bee is for baby” banners, and yarn bee hives…it was INCREDIBLE.
Not only were the details perfect, but they came up with some super fun and unique games. The first was a baby animal game--they hung pictures of baby animals and we had to name what the baby animal was called. For example a baby bunny is called a kitten…did you know that? Because I did not! Next we played a celebrity baby matching game--everyone got a sheet with pictures of celebrity babies and we had to match them to the celebrity parents. I thought for sure I would dominate this game, but it was a lot harder than I thought! I knew all the baby names but had a hard time matching them to their parents.
Finally we played a baby memory game--just like the game of memory you had to pick two cards to flip over and then remember which baby terms were in each spot and make a match. The best part…when you got a match you got a candy bar that “matched” the baby terms. For example, “Conception” was a Skor bar and “Epidural” was Lifesavers…get it?! Hilarious and so creative!

As if that wasn't enough the girls had a beautiful spread of food, a lovely variety of grown up and preggo beverages, a candy table AND amazingly adorable and delicious desserts!
 Kelly made these ADORABLE bee cookies (how talented is she?)!!! And Carolyn made delicious cupcakes with a honey frosting...
I am embarrassed to admit how many I ate.
Even the water was bee themed!

I'm telling ya, these girls did not miss a THING! 

 Then it was time for gifts...man this baby is spoiled! 
My girlfriends are not only incredibly generous but so stinkin' thoughtful! 
Baby girl got some of her essential items like her car seat (thanks mama!), her Snugabunny Bouncer, Winnie the Pooh Jumper, Bumpo Seat and Activity Gym! 
And, little miss diva is SET in the clothing department. This little lady isn't even born yet and has more clothes than me, not to mention socks, sunglasses, hats, a gopher jersey, shoes... SPOILED! 

And as if the shower hosts hadn't already done enough, they gave me an AMAZING gift too, 
a Labor Survival Kit. 
The kit was broken down into four different categories: 
Headbands, hair ties, mouth wash, dry shampoo, Kleenex, face wipes, Vaseline and toothbrushes. 
Green Olives (my FAVORITE) and my favorite candy...Sour Patch Kids & Reeses Pieces
Super amazing Mama Bee Belly Butter, Burt's Bees chapstick and foot creme (which Jason WILL be using to rub my feet!)
(ha! my favorite)
Complete with my own super soft toilet paper, breast pads, nipple cream, super pads, medicated cooling pads and disposable moisturizing wipes.

Is that not the sweetest, most thoughtful, creative and hilarious gift EVER?! 

My favorite part of the whole shower (and trust me, it was hard to pick a favorite) were these sweet little cards they had made.
 Each guest filled out a card with their wishes for baby. Jason and I read them together once I got home and it was SO, SO, SO special. Some of my favorites were:
I hope you learn..."to dance like no one's watching"
I hope you aren't afraid..."to chase your dreams"
I hope you love..."maroon and gold"
I hope you laugh...."Like your mom"
I hope you never forget..."How much you are loved"
I hope you become..."an AOTT"
I hope you respect... "Yourself"
I hope you grow..."up to be just like your mom"

Carolyn, Robyn & Libby,
I’m not sure how to thank you three enough, and I don’t just mean for the shower but for being the definition of true friends. All three of you are a constant source of support, laughter, loyalty and love for me and Jason and now Baby Girl too. The amount of time, energy, thought and money that you put in to this shower certainly didn’t go unnoticed. You made me feel SO special and SO loved and I don't know how to ever put in to words how truly grateful I am. 
Love you long time,


  1. So cute! and holy cow what thoughtful and sweet details! You can definitely tell how much they love you! :)

  2. UMMM SO CUTE!!! They did an amazing job and you deserve it. Can't wait for lil baby bee!!!


  3. Best shower EVER! They did such a great job!!! :) And you just look too pretty in pink love bug!!!! :)

  4. OK. Beeb. Stop it. You're going to make me tear up. You deserve this and so much more! You are such an amazing woman, friend and Beeb, and I have NO idea what I would do without you. As annoying as your husband can be, he definitely is forever on my props list for marrying such an amazing woman! Seriously... I'm so glad we got over hating each other. :) I can't wait to spoil that nugget like CRAZY when she pops out. Hopefully she pops out easily and politely. None of that tearing. Hear me nugget? Nice and politely. And easily. Do it for your mama.

    LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. OMG chills reading this. THe girls did such an amazing amazing job with this shower! YOU ARE SO LOVED!! and so is future baby girly!! the bee theme is just TOO CUTE for words! omgosh fantastic!!!

    AHH! i cannot wait to finally seeeeee her!!!


  6. Wow- such a creative and awesome shower!! Your friends rock!! You made out like a bandit too!! Congrats pretty girl!

  7. Awww so sweet! You have amazing friends! And the shower looks like it was beyond adorable!

  8. Oh my goodness! I don't know what to say becuase everything is perfect! I love love your mamma bee glass and the fill in the wishes for the baby! Seriously so sweet you are glowing and you have some amazing friends/family!


    Love the theme!! So appropriate!! :)

  10. Soooo sweet :) Your friends LOVE you and that lil' nugget SO MUCH!! Can't wait to meet the beautiful, spoiled girl!!! ;)

  11. Such a fun shower! The girls did a wonderful job- didn't leave out a single detail and you were a glowing mama-to-be! So happy for you!

  12. I was praising Carolyn yesterday for all the gorgeous details...I seriously can't get over it! Love everything from the bee hives, the candies, the water bottles. You look GREAT too! Your baby girl is gonna be loved!!

  13. OMG this is the cutest baby shower, I love all of the little details especially the adorable cookies. You look gorgeous and that dress fits you so perfectly!

  14. Love you. Hurry up nugget...auntie dogg wants to read you some books!

  15. Carolyn's comment above is so sweet!! You guys have such an amazing friendship, I love it :)

    This shower is beyond pinterest worthy - WOW! They did a great job, I absolutely love all of it. You looked pretty rockin' in that pink dress, mama! The survival kit - TOO FUNNY!!! Especially the T&A portion haha. Such a great idea.

  16. Ahhhhhhhh, I still can't get over how much fun and how ADORABLE everything was on Sunday. WHAT a fabulous day :-) So glad I was able to be there and to share in the fun day, mama!

  17. this is seriously the cutest shower i've ever seen! all the details are adorable!

    love your dress! you look so cute and pilf-y!

  18. You look so cute in your pink dress! Love it! Your girls planned/hosted such a sweet shower for you! Not one detail was left out, they did such a great job! I loved the theme (suited you perfectly!) and I'm so glad you had a great time! You deserved it all!


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