Thursday, August 16, 2012

My Belly {28 weeks}

Holy moly! 
This week marks the official start of the THIRD TRIMESTER!
Time is flying people!
can you tell this was an absolutely last minute effort?

Nugget this week...
*Can blink her little eyes
*Might be able to see light filtering through the womb
*Is developing billions of neurons (smarty pants!)
*Is adding more fat to get ready for life on the outside. 

Size of the baby?  
Somewhere around 2 1/4 pounds and 14.8 inches head to heels.

Total Weight Gain/Loss?  
exactly 20 pounds...which is right where I should be, but still hard to wrap my head around!

Maternity Clothes?  
Pretty much just the maternity jeans, which I hardly every wear.

Stretch marks?  
Still have yet to spot one!

Best Moments?  
Graduating from our Preparing for Childbirth class!

Little squirmy is still moving quite a bit...this week she's averaging 10 movements in just over 10 minutes.

Food Cravings?  
No cravings at all....still not feeling much like eating.

Anything making you queasy or sick? 
Nothing making me sick (except meat) but nothing really sounds good.

What I miss?  
I really don't miss anything right now, I'm just happy to be feeling good!

Not at all this week!

Super sore back, but nothing else to complain about.

Labor signs?  
Nothing yet...keep on cooking little one!


Belly Button In or Out?
The button is still an innie.

Wedding rings On or Off?  
Rings are still on! Think I can make it 12 more weeks?

I am sleeping good once I get comfortable...but getting comfortable is a process! I'll have to take a picture of how I'm sleeping every night for next week....

What I'm looking forward to? 
Touring the birth center at the hospital on Tuesday!
And celebrating the baby daddy's birthday this weekend! :)


  1. Your bump is so cute! Glad to hear you're feeling good still! I'm not a huge fan of meat either right now- so strange isn't it?!

  2. You're touring the hospital this week??? CAN'T WAIT to hear about that!

  3. You look so precious! Love that you are keeping weekly track, I'm sure you will love it down the road.

    Glad you are feeling good and yay RINGS!!!


  4. confession: I waited to comment because shit was getting weird that I was consistently the first commenter.

    2 things:
    1) did you notice in the little "baby in the womb" photo there's a line pointing to the baby, that I swear, says "fat"...???! rude. hahahaha
    2) is Jason done making cameos in the weekly bump photos? :P

    okay 1 more thing: you're such a cute little prego!

  5. Beautiful nugget bump! xo

  6. ugh I just want to know your baby name!!!!

  7. Yay yay yayyyyy!!! We miss Jason in the bump pics, but you are looking absolutely fabulous!!! I bet that's exciting to be touring the hospital soon, AHH!!!

  8. I second Ruthie's comment about the baby's name! Do you have one picked out yet? Are you trying to keep it a surprise? Love ya cousin :)

  9. Woohoo for the third trimester!! You look great :)

    I feel ya on not wanting to eat much. Where did our appetites go...?

  10. Sounds like a great week other than your backaches! CONGRATS on graduating class, hahaha!! ;-D

  11. you look amazing! congrats! you're almost there :)

    xo brie


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