Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Christina & Aaron's Wedding Weekend.

This past weekend one of my best friends, Christina, got married! 
Christina and I have been friends since middle school and she was one of my bridesmaids, and this weekend I was so honored to return the favor. Christina and Aaron are an amazing couple and this weekend was perfect proof. It was a weekend filled with family, friends and lots of love. Sadly, Christina's dad passed away when we were in high school, but he was honored in so many ways this past weekend and I have no doubt that he was there with Christina all weekend and is incredibly proud of her. 

The wedding weekend kicked off on Friday evening with a rehearsal at the church.

Aaron's parents hosted the Groom's dinner at their home in Lakeville and it was a fabulous night. They catered in delicious BBQ, the father of the groom gave a great toast and Christina and Aaron were surrounded by all those closest to them.

 Saturday morning we were up bright and early to get our hair and make up done.

 The morning went super smooth and we were right on time. We went to the church to get the beautiful bride ready for her big day.

 Christina was THE most stunning bride and FINALLY, after a morning of primping, she was ready to see her groom.

We spent the next few hours taking photos and after a long morning, it was time for the ceremony! Christina, however, was starving and the only thing that sounded good was Chicken Nuggets. It was perfect, because one of my favorite memories of Christina was after a drunken night she started to pout and wine and beg Aaron to "let her be a Nug Nut." Remember those commercials?
It was totally appropriate that literally 3 minutes before Christina was walking down the aisle, she was  chowing down on some nuggets.

The groom & his parents:

My BFF, Libby & Christina's brother Charlie

Me & my groomsman, Josh

THE BRIDE and her Uncle Ned

After the ceremony, it was time to party! Well, for everyone but me. Christina & Aaron rented a trolley for the wedding party and we cruised around town, popped champagne and took some more pictures.

The reception was at the Minneapolis Golf Club and it was absolutely gorgeous.

I was having a little pity party for one at the reception...I was so upset that it was one of my best friend's weddings and I was too tired from the day to really enjoy all the festivities. I so badly wanted to drink champagne with the wedding party and tear up the dance floor with my best friends, but nonetheless I had a blast and was so happy to be there with Christina & Aaron.
My teeniest little friend, Abby

drunky hubs and the bride!

Congratulations Christina & Aaron! 
I love you both and was so honored to be with you on your special day!


  1. pregnancy is definitely on your side friend...you look stunning. That picture of you walking down the aisle is just breathtaking. I love your friends colors...the dresses and flowers and love her rehearsal dress!

  2. wow the decorations for the Grooms dinner looked so good. They did a really good job. You look stunning in that dress and I love the colors she chose.

  3. Looks like a gorgeous wedding! I'm so glad that the wedding went well! :) :) :) You looked hot mama Beeb! :)

  4. Both of you gals look STUNNING. Looks like it was a super fun wedding. Sorry you were feeling down for a while, but it was so special to be part of Christina's big day!

  5. You looked beautiful! Glad you were able to semicelebrate with your friends. I'm make sure to send you a vat of champagne once the baby is born ;)

  6. You are one gorgeous bridesmaid!!! And the bride is stunning, she has some seriously good hair ;) Glad you were still able to celebrate, even if it wasn't boozin and tearin' up the floor!!

  7. You look great! What a funny story about the chicken nuggets! I did the same thing for my bridesmaid gifts- coach wristlets and pearl earrings. Everything looked beautiful.

  8. What a pretty bride!! And you were totally glowing in that bridesmaid dress!! :)

  9. What a beautiful bride and a beautiful wedding!

  10. fun! i remember being MOH in my cousins wedding (24 days post baby) i was TIRED by the end of the day and would have LOVED to have MORE fun but momma's gotta do what momma's gotta do ;) you did great! p.s. GORGEOUS bride-friend!

  11. correction 24 days PREbaby aka HUGE belly and REALLY tired/sore feet!

  12. aaaaawwwww you looked so beautiful! i think you're the cutest preggo ever!

  13. Looked like a fun rehearsal and wedding! The bride and you both looked great :)


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