Thursday, September 20, 2012

My Belly {33 weeks}

Nugget this week...
*is keeping her eyes open when she's awake
*is starting to coordinate breathing with sucking and swallowing
*her bones are hardening 

Size of the baby?
Over 4 pounds and 17 inches long!

Total Weight Gain/Loss?  
24.6 pounds, which means I lost 2 pounds this week, which is weird.

Maternity Clothes?  
The weather is changing in Minnie and I don't think my cotton maxi dresses are going to cut it anymore. SO, I have to bite the bullet and buy some fall friendly maternity clothes.

Stretch marks?  

Best Moments?  
Getting our maternity pictures back & going to a breastfeeding class with my Beeb.

Oh yes, still an active little girl. Now that she's bigger it feels more like rolling than it does fluttering and her booty still loves my ribs.

Food Cravings?  
Grapes! I can't get enough red grapes.

Anything making you queasy or sick? 
Just meat...which I avoid, so NOPE!

What I miss?  
Sleeping on my tummy.

Thankfully, no.

Sore back & terrible allergies, but other than that I'm feeling pretty good.

Labor signs?  
I keep getting period-ish feeling cramps that sort of come and go, not sure if that qualifies as Braxton Hicks or not...


Belly Button In or Out?
It still in, but Jason is sure it's going to pop out any time now.

Wedding rings On or Off?  
The bad boys are still ON! I get some swelling when I walk but other than that my rings fit just as they did before.

Other than one terrible night that I was up battling my allergies I have been sleeping great.

What I'm looking forward to? 
My girlfriend Christina's wedding this weekend and seeing my doctor on Monday!


  1. Loved boobie milk class with Deshawn. :) I can't believe you have less than 50 days left!!!!!!!!

  2. you look so great girl!! I was cracking up at your pictures from last nights breast feeding class! And just to update you, my sister has some condition where the baby is too big and there is too much water so she will be having a C section in the next 10 days (most likely Monday Oct 1st!). Life is crazy!

  3. I had "period" cramps too, my doc suggested they might be the muscles holding the fetus stretching stretching stretching! Otherwise, BH could be it. :)

  4. I had "period" cramps too, my doc suggested they might be the muscles holding the fetus stretching stretching stretching! Otherwise, BH could be it. :)

  5. You look great! Glad to hear you're feeling good too. Your maternity photos are gorgeous!!!

  6. Love the pictures.....woohoo!

    I want a full on recap of the boobmilk class! xoxo

  7. You look great love! :) You're getting soooo close! I can't wait! So happy for y'all!

  8. LOVED THE PHOTOS of the Boobie Milk class too!! You girls are too funny!

  9. Congratulations on your little one on the way! I found you through Ruthie's blog. I'm currently pregnant with baby #2...just entering my 2nd trimester. Cute blog! :)

  10. Oooh those cotton maxi dresses will still be your friend my dear! I don't know about you, but the last week or two I have felt like I have my very own built in furnace!!! Take it from me - layers are your friend from now on :)

    You're getting SO close!!

  11. You look awesome! I can't believe how close you are to meeting your precious little girl! Exciting!


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