Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Labor Day Weekend!

When I found out that I was pregnant I knew that there was no way I could go on the trip to Vegas for the Gopher's season opener that Jason and I had been planning since the game was announced years before. 100 degree heat? Wasted people? Skinny girls in bikinis? 
Sounds like a pregnant woman's worst nightmare. 
{also sounds like the husband of a pregnant woman's dream! i really should not have let Jason go.}
Because it was a group of boys on the trip...there are little to no photos, but here are a couple of gems I received throughout the weekend. 

I watched the game from the comfort of my dad's house.
It's not Vegas, but I couldn't complain.
OH, and the Gophers won! In triple overtime!

Friday I was EXHAUSTED! I worked all day, then there was the thing with the snake and then I spent the evening doing laundry and packing.

Me deciding not to go on the Vegas trip worked out for the best because as it turned out my cousin, Stephanie, planned her wedding for the same weekend, AND I COULD GO! Stephanie and I are three months apart and spent many summers together at our grandparent's house in Colorado. We had the best time and my memories from those summers are some of the best in my life.
It had been SIX YEARS since I had seen Steph and I was beyond thrilled that I was going to be able to make it to Arkansas (where she, and my Aunt and Uncle live) for her big day. 

I left town Saturday morning and once I was safe in Arkansas my mom and I went out to lunch and then to my Aunt's salon for a little manicure/pedicure action.

That evening was the groom's dinner at my Aunt and Uncle's house.

The last single girl's kiss.
It was a great night filled with amazing food (all of which was cooked by the groom, who is a VERY talented cook), family and fun. 

Sunday morning my mom, step-dad and I went to the University of Arkansas campus to check it out. We went to the Razorback's stadium
 and my step-dad and I found our fraternity and sorority
 The AOTT house is GORGEOUS!
 After our mini-campus tour we went to Dixon Street which is sort of the "downtown" of campus and stopped in a couple fun little bars for a cocktail, a virgin Bloody Mary for me.
My mom and I spent the afternoon at our hotel's pool and then it was time for the wedding! 
Everything was so beautiful. Steph was married at the Pratt Inn which was gorgeous. 
It was an amazing weekend and I am SO happy I was able to be at my cousin's wedding. It was such a special day and it really meant a lot to be a part of all of it. 

Congrats Steph & Josh! 


  1. Looks like a great weekend! :) And I love the pink shoes! Raar!

  2. what a great weekend! and isn't it so cool to be close to your cousin that is the way my cousin and i are and i love it!

  3. i love all the peacock colors in the wedding! pretty!
    looks like a wonderful weekend--probably better than vegas!

  4. oh kris kris you are such a good-looking pregnant lady I could just scream

  5. You look great!! Love your shoes!

  6. I am so glad you were with us!! Your pictures are perfect. xoxo

  7. i am close with my cousins as well, fun trip! and LOVE that black dress- you look awesome w/ your 30wk baby bump!

  8. this weekend looked and sounded FANTASTIC! i cant get over your bump even after all these months...its just so adorable!!!!!

    loving your lil slippers in that pic. and that sorority house. i mean WHAT!!!! i would love to have lived there during college!! modern day Elle Woods! :-)

    you looked beautiful at that wedding my love!!


  9. You look gorgeous! LOVE the pink shoes!

  10. Looks like so much fun!! What a gorgeous wedding, you and your cousin both looked beautiful. Love your uncles hat by the way - how fun!!

  11. Alright I just caught up on a hell of a lot of posts! SO I def have not been receiving any of these? I didn't even get to see the new blog until now. I have no idea why. I feel so out of it. I wrote you on twitter about missing your blog and was totally clueless. I'm happy now though that I can get updates this way!!!!!!!!! phew

  12. FUN WEEKEND!! I can't believe that the Gophers won in TRIPLE overtime. Just nuts! Glad you had a safe trip down to Arkansas and the wedding looks like it was amazing!! That ADP sorority house looks just like the mansions that are on KU's campus. Just gorgeous. You looked amazing at the wedding as well!! <3

  13. I am beyond thrilled that you were able to make the trip! Love ya cousin!!! :D

  14. I have been so behind on reading your blog..which is just unacceptable...but it's freaking crazy that you were in Fayetteville because that's where I live!!! And I'm so glad you visited Razorback stadium!! Woo Pig!!!! You look gorgeous and pregnancy has been good to you!!


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