Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The One with the Snake.

It was a typical Friday afternoon, I finished work and headed to my in-law's house to pick up Bailey (where she spends her days). Judye (my mother-in-law) greets me with a hug and says, "so guess what...."

I love my in-laws but they are pretty famous for weird shit happening to them so when someone says "so, guess what...." I get a little worried about what could possibly come next. She then tells me that my father-in-law, Kevin, is on his way home and a Channel 9 news crew is with him. Turns out Kevin was on his lunch break when he came across a giant snake crossing the road in a neighborhood surrounded by people who wanted to kill it. Naturally, Kevin decided he needed to save the snake. Kevin grabbed the snake, it wrapped around his arm, then he put it in a grocery bag and in his trunk. He then returned to work to get the snake a box and when he opened the trunk....it was gone! After some searching Kevin found the creature had crawled into a hole in the hood of his trunk. 

I'm a little unclear about what exactly what went on between then and the time I arrived at their house...but there were police involved and a new crew now following the story. 

I hadn't planned on sticking around to see this giant nasty snake, but Kevin got home right as I was about to leave...with the news crew. Now I was invested. Invested in the weirdest shit I have ever seen...and that is not an exaggeration. 

I stood in my in-law's front yard for two hours watching my father-in-law and his brother try to pry this snake out of the hood while my 13-year-old sister-in-law stood by with a fishing net (just in case) and a news crew filming the whole thing.

Finally, they freed the snake. It was disgusting. I hate snakes. But somehow I felt totally gratified and proud that the snake was free and still alive. The news peeps interviewed Kevin and sure enough at 9pm on Friday night there was my father-in-law, on the news, with the snake. 

Watch for yourself: 

The whole thing was so strange. 

But it doesn't end there....people saw the news story and wrote in to the station asking what happened to the snake AND a lady offered to take the snake as a pet. Channel 9 did a follow up story (which sadly there isn't a video online) but the snake is safe and sound and no longer living with my in-laws. Thank God.


  1. OH MY GAH. Hiiiiiiiiiiiilarious!!! And kinda gross too! I probably would have stuck around to watch too, as I'm super curious. But I would have been hopping around with the "eebie-jeebies" the whole time ;-)

  2. I second Kelly.. hahaha, there would have been a LOT of hopping from my end..haha.

  3. BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Jake turned on the news and wouldn't tell me what was going on... and then Kevin popped up on TV. SO FUNNY. Only the Fawvers.

  4. OMG that's a big snake!!! Craziness!

  5. What a brave father in law you have there! I see snake...I run in the opposite direction!

  6. Seriously. Only at the fawvers'!!! Xoxo

  7. Seriously. Only at the fawvers'!!! Xoxo

  8. Seriously. Only at the fawvers'!!! Xoxo

  9. ahhhh hahahaha! there was a snake IN MY HOUSE when we first moved in {but gary spivey told me that snake left my house a looong time ago} hahahaha anyway, it was nothing like that snake & it was just hanging out on my washing machine of ALL PLACES- ekkkkkk!! funny funny news coverage!


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