Monday, September 17, 2012

Weekend Recap: Football, Football & a Wedding

Another busy weekend has come and gone for the Fawvers. 

Friday night we went to the Eden Prairie High School football game to watch my little sister 
and the EP Dance Team dance at halftime. 

Saturday morning we were up early to tailgate and cheer on the Gophers to another victory! It was a GORGEOUS day and my Goph's are undefeated! 
My dad hooked me up with a rickshaw ride to the stadium {which is only two blocks away from our lot} but it was so fun! And way faster than me waddling my way there. 

Saturday evening, Megan, one of my best friends from high school got married. It was a gorgeous wedding and Megan has never looked so beautiful and so happy. 
The wedding was filled with dear friends from high school and their parents, so it was sort of a big reunion. It was so fun seeing everyone and catching up and playing in the photo booth. 
 please excuse the iPhone pictures of the pictures.

Sunday I was able to sleep in, which was beyond glorious! I haven't been able to sleep in past 8am in three weeks, so the extra sleep was much appreciated. I woke up and did some cleaning and then brought the puggle on a super long (almost 5 miles!) walk. 
The walk felt great but nearly killed me, so I relaxed, read my book and ultimately took a nap afterwards. Then I was off to my Beeb's house to take some casual family photos of her, Jake and the pups. 
The pics turned out adorable, but you'll have to check out her blog to see them! 

Finally, last night we went to my dad's house for dinner and the season premiere of
Obsessed with this show. Who else watched?!


  1. OMG! That premiere! EEK! Looks like a fun weekend... thanks again Beeb! :) (The pics are posting on 10/11 per our blog schedule. HAHAHAHA)

  2. Love the wedding pics! Your friend Megan looks stunning, I'm loving the one-shouldered dress. Good for you for walking almost 5 miles, I am NOT pregnant and can't get my butt off the couch to do anything ;)

  3. You look so cute at the football game...loving the pedi cab! And dang girl, you are walking 5 miles 8 months prego! YEAH!! Such a cute dress at that wedding, rocking that bump! how many more wedddings till baby daY?

  4. Awwwwwwwwwwwesome, jampacked weekend!! I bet the Gophers game was a blast and so cute that you got to ride in the rickshaw thingy!! I bet the wedding was a BLAST. Nothing better than a bunch of friends getting together for a wonderful event and you looked fabulous :-) I pretty much DIED when I saw the text from Carolyn about the photos. ADORABLE.

    See you later today! Thoughts on a time yet? I can pretty much make it whenever :-)

  5. You look great and omg do I love that dress- what a great find!!

  6. Pretty wedding dress girl!! And yes, we watch Boardwalk Empire- but we are doing it on Netflix- so we are still waiting on Season 2!! I love it so far!!

  7. You look so cute and looks like you had a good weekend! I love the last picture of you two in hte photobooth.

  8. You look amazing for being 32 weeks pregnant and I'm beyond impressed you still have your rings on, very jealous. I'm excited the Gophers are 3-0!


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