Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Our Maternity Photos!

I absolutely HAVE to start this post by saying that if you live in the Twin Cities and need a photographer, you would be NUTS not to work with Sara Jayne Photography. 
Sara {and her hubby John} are dear friends of ours and I wholeheartedly believe that SJ is one of, if not thee, best photographers in the state. She is so fun and easy to work with, she is incredibly creative, has a fabulous "eye" and has a unique style that she adds to each and every photo she takes.  I know I am biased but I truly would not recommend someone {even a friend} if I didn't 100% stand behind their work.

A couple of weekends ago Jason, Bailey and I met up with Sara and John at Lake Harriet to take some maternity pictures. I waffled a lot on whether or not I wanted to get them done, as fun as a growing belly is, I'm not feeling my most beautiful and I wasn't sure I would even like any of the pictures. Well, I was wrong and I am so happy that we got these done. This is such an exciting time in our lives and I am so happy that I have these beautiful photos to remember it all by.


  1. uh. mah. GAH. You look GORGEOUS! Rock the hell out of those heels girl! :-)

  2. Awwwwwwwwwwwww you look so beautiful! I am so glad you decided to get them done. Such an amazing moment (well 9 months moment) in time!


  3. SO CUTE. I think maternity photos can tread the line to "awkward" quicker than most other types, but these are great!! and your dog KILLS ME.. she looks like she's SMILING in those photos! hahaha!

    we missed you last night!

  4. you are stunning!
    I loooove the one of you sitting with your legs in the water!

  5. YOU LOOK STUNNING!! That dress looks fab. Great pictures!! She did an awesome job mama

  6. OHHH my gosh Kristin, I LOVE these!! This is hands down my favorite

  7. You know that I'm OBSESSED with these, but I'll tell you again... so good! SJ is definitely talented! :)

  8. Those are gorgeous! And that blue dress looks amazing on you!

  9. Ohhhhhhhh my GOSH. Every single one is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! You have the pregnancy glow FOR SURE!!!

  10. you look so pretty! i love all of the pictures. you guys did some poses that i've never seen before...that i'm totally gonna copy! he he he

  11. I CANNOT get over these photos. Like I just posted on Facebook, I personally think it should be ILLEGAL to be this gorgeous, Kristin!! ;-D STUNNING.

  12. OMG breath taking absolutely stunning. Love love love them. Wow speechless ok obviously i wasn't but u know what I mean. Awesome. Good work!!
    I love u
    Coley beat

  13. ummmm when are you going to start modeling?!? Seriously you are gorgeous friend. My favorite is the first picture but Bailey is FREAKING CUTE!! seriously can't get over the posing :-)

  14. TO. DIE. FOR!!!! OMG I love these SO much!!! The ones in the sunset are GORGEOUS!! YOu are ROCKIN' that baby bump sister!!

  15. SOrry-that was me that posted that anon comment above! :)

  16. These are so beautiful!!! Love them all!!! I'll have to keep her in mind when we want to do maternity photos when we actually have children :)

  17. ok... let me just say... OH MY GOODNESS. BEAUTIFUL. all of them are just, beautiful....

    ok wait, one more thing... the one of puppy peeking over your belly & her paw on your baby bump... I DIE!! so adorable!

  18. These turned out amazing!I love the 3rd one of both of you and I love the two with just you in the sun and that last one is breathtaking!

  19. Are you crazy?!? You look absolutely breathtaking. The one of Bailey leaning on your belly...I die. :)

  20. Gah!!! These are incredible. I love the pup ones and the ones with crazy light. They really are spectacular!!

  21. These are AMAZING!! I am super bummed I didn't get maternity photos done

  22. Oh my goodness they all turned out awesome! You look gorgeous, that dress fits you perfectly! The dog pictures had me giggling.. they are just too precious! Love them all!

  23. Gorgeous!!! I love the sun flare pics!


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