Wednesday, October 3, 2012

I'm Packed!

You all know what a type-A, planner, control freak, spaz that I am. So it's really not all that surprising that packing for the hospital was the one thing I have been obsessing over the entire pregnancy.
No joke.
I was ready to pack up week 15.
But I resisted the urge. 

I waited until we completed our birthing classes and toured the hospital {just in case they had words of wisdom on the subject}, and I also spent plenty of time reading "What to Pack" articles online AND watched this video from my favorite celeb-mom, Kourtney Kardashian. 
Imagine my surprise when the articles recommended being all packed up by 30 weeks! 
Ummmm....excuse me?! 
I am BEHIND???

Obviously, I jumped right on it. 
So without further adieu (I know you're all busting at the seems with excitement)...
Kristin's Hospital Bag Checklist: 

thanks to my amazing friends Robyn, Carolyn & Libby I got a TON of this stuff in my "Push Pack" at my baby shower! 
Thanks again friends! 
I don't think I'm really going to need a whole lot, but I did grab some of the basics to have on hand: toothbrush, toothpaste, chapstick, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, face cleanser wipes, body wash, lotion, a razor (the nurse at the hospital actually recommended this), a hairbrush, headbands & hair ties, mascara and Advil (a very wise friend suggested bringing my own advil--obviously the hospital has stuff, but they charge you for that shiz!)

*Jammies/Nightgown, Robe, Undies & Non-slip Socks*
I plan on being in comfy clothes from the moment I arrive until the moment I I'm going to bring a cotton nightgown and my lightweight robe to hang out in and I plan on wearing some comfy pants & a sweatshirt TO the hospital, so I'll have that on hand as well. As pumped as I was to wear the super weird mesh undies the hospital provides, I think I am going to bring my own. I know things can be a little messy after childbirth so I'm packing a couple pairs that I don't mind ruining. Finally, I hate socks, I prefer to be barefoot but there's no way in h-e-double-hockey-sticks I am shuffling around a hospital in my bare I'm bringing a pair of comfy socks with treads so that I am both safe and stylish. :)

*Nursing Bras, Pads & Cream*
Since I hope to get breastfeeding underway immediately, I need to be prepared with some of the essentials. Other mamas have suggested nursing bras (comfy ones), nursing pads and nipple cream, so that is what I shall bring.

*Going Home Ensemble*
I would love to rock some skinny jeans and stilettos when I head for home but a) it's going to be November in Minnesota. b) I'm still going to look 6 months pregnant and c) as far as I know the hospital doesn't have a red carpet. SO, it's all about comfort for this new mama--yoga pants, tank & track jacket.

Thanks to my Push Pack, I have some Reese's Pieces and Green Olives...sadly, the Sour Patch Kids didn't quite make it. I also grabbed some hard candy {apparently your mouth gets all kinds of dry}, my favorite fruit snacks and honey sticks from the State Fair! One of my books said honey sticks are perfect for labor bcs they're quick and easy to eat, taste yummy and give you a little sugar boost.

The hospital has room service, so we can order food if poor JJ is starving...but I got him these essential snacks to have on hand. 

*Change of clothes*
Jason seemed really unconcerned about having extra clothes, so I just threw in an extra shirt, some shorts, a sweatshirt, sweatpants, a couple pairs of socks and clean boxers...he can always run home if he needs something else.

Jason doesn't need a whole lot in the way of toiletries; so a toothbrush, mouthwash, deodorant and some chapstick was all he got. 

*Coming home outfit*
It's football season, so it shouldn't be a surprise to any of you that our baby girl will be coming home in a Gopher outfit.
Eeeeeek! Cannot wait to see this on her tiny little body!

The hospital has onesies and little things for her to wear, but I wanted her to have a cute and comfy outfit from home to wear on her first day, so I'm bringing these little jammies, mittens and hat! 

*Diaper Bag*
YAY! I finally get to break out my beautiful Coach diaper bag! I'm not stocking it full with diaper supplies quite yet. But, I figure it's a great bag to bring the baby's stuff in and bring home all the stuff the hospital will send with us.

*Nail File*
The hospital actually suggested this one...they want you to manage baby's nails with a file but they don't give you one, so the nurse recommended having one on hand. I got the cute little grooming kit so that baby has all the beautifying essentials from the start. 

*Receiving/Swaddling Blankets*
I know the hospital provides these while we're there, but it couldn't hurt to have one of our own. Plus, I want something that smells like the baby to bring home to Bailey to prepare her for her baby sister {it's what all the books suggest to do}.

*Car Seat*
The hospital doesn't let you out the door without one of these bad boys (thank goodness!) Thanks to mama P, we have our car seat! Now we just need to figure out how in the heck to get this thing installed.

*Hospital Folder*
I've got a folder the hospital gave us filled with all of our hospital paperwork, pediatrician info, birth plan, insurance information, and phone tree!

I'll probably need to use the camera between now and d-day but I'm making sure to put the camera and all accessories back with the bags after I use it and keep it charged! would be a NIGHTMARE if we forgot this guy.

*Pen & Paper*
I got a little journal and pen to bring to try and keep track of what's going down, to better recap all the details later. I'd say there's probably a 95% chance this journal doesn't get opened but I have it just in case.

*Cell Phone Chargers*
Since we will need our chargers up until the big day, I haven't packed them...but I did leave a nice little reminder so we don't forget them.

I've got a pillow for me and one for JJ all ready to go.

The iPod is fully charged and the "Labor Playlist" is set and the hospital has iPod docks in the rooms...which is great!

The labor rooms (and post partum rooms) have TVs and DVD I WILL be using my all-time favorite show as a laboring technique...if Chandler Bing can't get me through a contraction, no one can!

So there ya have it. Anything major I'm forgetting?

Keep cooking little one!
But, just in case you decide to surprise us and come early...we're ready! 


  1. Excellent call on the Chapstick! You're so right about your mouth and lips getting dry! Of all the things I brought, I missed my lip stuff the most.

    I made the mistake of bringing three separate outfits for myself for the three days I was in hospital. I wore exactly one, because I was in bed the whole time and changing clothes was not even ON the priority list. I did finally change clothes to go home, so I guess two outfits ended up being necessary.

    Snacks are a definite necessity too - especially for the hubs. You'll want him by your side every second and if he leaves to eat, you may want to lock the door and never let him come back, because HOW DARE he leave you! :-)

    And you might be surprised at how tiny your baby is and how she might not fit her coming home outfit. I had one all picked out for Sofia but it was huge on her so I only ended up using the onesie part of it and even it was baggy! So I just swaddled her up and called it a day!

    Other than that, you've done well with your packing! I'm so excited for you!

  2. Looks good mama!

    You crazy minnie girls not liking socks! SOCKS ROCK!!!! xoxo

  3. You are a freaking rockstar mom already! I hope you know that :) I love how organized you are and can't even WAIT to see that lil one come home in her football gear. You know I'd do the same ;)

    PS- Would love to know what's on your labor playlist!! If interested in sharing! :)

  4. OMG this is SO helpful! I never knew Kourtney had a Mommy Blog so I'm definitely going to check it out. I've been thinking about what kind of pajamas to get and I really like your nightgown idea. It's really cute- where are the nightgown and robe from?

  5. I love the FRIENDS dvds! haha! and not a bad idea! Would SATC be inappropriate in the delivery room?? Because I'd either bring that or FRIENDS. Love how prepared you are! I'll be the same way.

  6. OMG. I loooooooooove this post. It gets ME all sorts of excited and I'm just a blog friend hahahaha!! Interesting that they suggested packing a razor? Like, to shave your legs?? I suppose that having freshly shaved legs might not be something that if your labor is unexpected, you'll have right?

    And I LOVE that you have your iPod stocked. Are you going to share the playlist??? :-D

  7. Loved this post and your type-a self! ;)

  8. No one is more prepared than you my dear! I PRAY I have this list to look back on when the time comes bc lets face it I trust ya! :) SO SO SO EXCITED for you!

  9. im SUCHA SAP!! this post made me tear up!! all the little things for your presh lil girly are all SO CUTE! ahh i am so so so happy for you and your lil fam!

    you are SO PREPARED!!!!!!!!! i hope i am this prepared when that day comes!

    AH so excited!! cannot wait to see this gorgeous baby!

    but... did you remember the nipple cream? ;-)


  10. Look at you go girl!! Maybe I should actually finish packing mine ha!

    The snacks are a great idea...I read on one blog that she wasn't allowed to eat during labor, but they let her bring in Clif Shot your booty I ran out and bought two packages ;) I would suggest picking some up, they are so tasty!

  11. i think the only thing missing is more sour patch kids!


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